Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1533: Who is not a baby yet (2)

Chapter 1533 Who is not a baby yet (2)

Obviously, these Jiang family did not awaken the blood of the gods, so they were attacked by the magic bear.

Jiang Yu did not think much, and the strong people looked at the dense fog in front of them, their eyes narrow.

But soon, they noticed the embarrassment in the dense fog.

Jiang Yu said to Ye Qing: "You throw this man's body into the thick fog and see."

Ye Qingyi threw the body of the dead Jiang’s disciple and threw it in.

Sure enough, the body had just been thrown into the thick fog, and the dense fog had fallen into the body, and the body was blasted.

This **** scene, I saw a group of little baby girls behind Ye Qing’s body took a cold sweat.

They were still wondering if Ye Qingqi’s remarks were correct, but now... they don’t doubt, they want to cry...

Under the fog, how can they escape?

Jiang Yu saw this scene, slightly dagger, and then yelled at Ye Qing: "You try, a little closer, you have to walk in."

Ye Qingyi listened to Jiang Yu’s words, as if he had already known what it was, and then tentatively approached the dense fog. The thick fog did not seem to feel the general, and did not attack Ye Qingyi.

"Sure enough." Jiang Yu is in the picture.

"This thick fog is caused by the gradual formation of the curse after the gods squat, and the remaining power of God will attack all invaders, but... you also drink holy water, and there is also divine power in the holy water. These thick fogs perceive the power of holy water and will not attack."

Fang Caiqing looked at the crowd and the holy water to drink, thinking that holy water should be a good thing, then took a sip, but did not feel anything, but did not want to be curious at this time, but it became the key to crossing the fog.

I heard Jiang Yu say this, everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise they were blocked by this thing, they would not want to leave here half a step.

"What are you waiting for? Go quickly!" Yandi can't wait to leave this cursed land immediately, and quickly flee outside, so that he can practice as soon as possible, he does not want to stay in this ghost place for a moment, and then do not want to continue to hold such a The deputy is a small body.

"If you want to die, you will go." Jiang Yubai took a look at Yandi.

"..." Yandi, if you don't see Ye Qing, who is sitting in the town, he can now get up with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yujing looked at Ye Qingyi and asked if there were other circumstances in the thick fog. Ye Qingyi directly said the black line that would peel the skin.

And just as Ye Qingxi said this thing, a corpse close to the dense fog suddenly moved.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a lot of black lines rising from the thick fog above the ground. They were entangled in the corpse, and they fell into the skin. Bloody in front of everyone, staged a stage. Peeling the play.

This is...

Yan Di and others can really collapse.

It’s hard to find a way to avoid the thick fog attack, and the result is that this black line blocks the way out!

It is no wonder that this place has become a forbidden place. It is enough that this thick fog and the peeling black line are enough to wipe out a large number of people, not to mention the demons and other monsters.

Ye Qingying looked at the desperate expression of everyone, and his eyes narrowed a smile.

She is waiting for this time.

"But when I came in, the black lines didn't seem to attack me. I don't know if it was the blood." Ye Qing pretended to say this inadvertently.

The corner of the eyes quietly swept across the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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