Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1538: Holding thighs (3)

Chapter 1538 Hold the thigh (3)

Just hugged the secluded leaves of Ye Qing's thighs, looking down, his face was black.

He had to go to the Jiang family, and he hit the people of the ancient family and the Jiang family.... What happened?

Jiang Yu has not seen Jiang Yan, only to see that the young man is good, dressed in Jiang's clothing, and now the eyebrows.

The strength of Jiang Yan is enchanting among his peers, but he is the two elders of the ancient family of the celestial family. In addition, the strength of the sacred ancient family has increased greatly. At this moment, he has been forced into a desperate situation. in.

This is so, the face of the handsome, but not the slightest panic, but the brow wrinkles, look dignified.

Ye Qingying above the void looked at Jiang Yu’s sleep, her eyes changed slightly. If she changed to other Jiang family, she might have left it, but in her previous life, Jiang Yan let him go, this one. Love, Ye Qingyi is in mind.


The two elders of the Gu's ancient family were so strong that if Ye Qingyi was facing up, it was not an opponent at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered that there were just a few of the treasures that he had obtained from the hands of the big cockroaches. In the moment, she looked at the situation in front of her eyes and gave birth to a plan.

Under the emptiness, Jiang Yan looked dignified. Although he was a strange figure, he was still young, and he could not be the opponent of the two elders of the ancient family.

"Jiang Yan, handing over the soul-eating jade, we may still give you a happy." An elder of the ancient family sneered.

Before they were still searching for treasures in the hall of the big demon, the people of the Jiang family accidentally found the soul-eating jade that had been lost for a long time. The soul-eating jade is an extremely precious magic weapon.

When the **** family found it, it was secretly hidden, and there was no sound. Only the youngest example of the **** family, Jiang Yan, secretly took the object out and left.

I don't want to, the smell of Soul Jade is still discovered by the people of the ancient family. The two elders trailed all the way, and this was chased over, ready to **** the soul jade.

"Dream." Jiang Yan looked coldly at the two ancient elders in front of him. The strength of these two people is among the dozens of elders of the ancient family. It is not outstanding. In the past, Jiang Yan may still be reluctant. Get out of battle.

However, with the help of Shenfu, the strength of these two elders has increased by several times. It is said that they are two people, that is, one person can win Jiang Yan.

"I don't know how to live and die, you want to die, then we will fulfill you." The ancient elders sneered, and when they stepped forward, they prepared to take Jiang Yan's life.

There was a flash of cold flashing in the eyes of Jiang Yan, but it was known that danger was coming and it was inevitable.

But at the moment when the ancient elders shot, a fire suddenly descended from the sky, and the thick smoke followed, and under the heat wave, the eyes of the ancient elders were blocked.

In the smoke, Jiang Yan only felt that a small hand suddenly caught his wrist.


The sound is so delicate that Jiang Yan is slightly stunned.

Before Jiang Hao returned to God, his figure suddenly flashed. When he re-stabilized his body shape, everything in front of him had already changed a picture, and his place has completely changed.

At this moment, Jiang Yan turned his head and looked at the little hand that pulled himself.

This look is to let Jiang Yan slightly glimpse.

The hand that holds his wrist is really "small" and looks like a small hand of a two-year-old child.

"Don't worry, they can't chase them for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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