Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1558: Each magical power (2)

Chapter 1558 shows each magical power (2)

"Well? Why are you so unconstrained?" Cao Xu hurriedly stepped on Jiang Lin's head. The strength of this foot, if not Jiang Lin is the realm of Tian Yan's great respect, I am afraid that it will be smashed directly. Head.

However, this is so, Jiang Lin has already vomited blood and struggled to get up. Cao Xu, who can step on his head, is like a mountain. He can't move.

The face of Jiang’s teenagers suddenly sank and looked at Cao Xu, who had reached the extreme, and they went straight ahead.

Cao Xu’s family behind Cao’s family also rushed straight forward, and the two sides fought in the opposite direction.

"How? If you can't beat it, you have to be a lot of people?"

"Ginger family has this ability? Can you fight anything? If you want to play, we will accompany you."

Jiang Jiazhong’s teenagers were also gloomy, and they almost rushed forward to get started.

But before they could fight, a slender figure suddenly came out.

A girl in a light blue blouse fell into the sight of everyone.

When Cao Xu had not returned to God, his instincts rushed to himself. He subconsciously stepped back, and Jiang Lin at the foot was also pulled up by a small white hand.

“Happy...” Jiang Lin’s face was pale, and there was a large piece of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. Looking at the girl who pulled herself up, it was embarrassing.

"Cao Xu, are you very resistant?" The gorgeous girl's chin was slightly raised, and she swept over the **** forest in front of her eyes. The red lips sneered a sneer, and the eyes were slightly over from the body of Cao Xu and others.

"I don't know, do you have any interest, pick me up?"

When Cao Xu saw the girl, his eyes flashed a little.

"Cao Xu, she is Jiang Xinyue, one of the few enchanting geniuses of Jiang family." A young boy from Cao’s family recognized the identity of the girl and immediately began to speak.

"Jiang Xinyue? Oh... I have never heard of your name. If you want to find your face, let the little monster of your Jiang family come out and play with me." Cao Xu sneered, not to see Jiang Xinyue in his eyes.

The little monster in Cao Xu’s mouth is the strongest person in the generation of Jiang’s family. When he is young, he has already swept a group of disciples of his peers. Although he has not officially emerged from the mainland, his name is Has been introduced into the ears of the major families.

Jiang Xinyue handed Jiang Lin to other people in Jiang, and then smiled and looked at Cao Xudao:

"Want to find him to play? You pick me up first, if you pick it up, I will go and find someone to come over."

"Okay, then I will pick you up, but the ugly words are in front. When you don't, I didn't chop me, but they shocked me out of internal injuries. When I don't want to blame me." Cao Xu sneered, scorned I swept Jiang Xinyue.

A group of Jiangjia teenagers have long seen Cao Xu unhappy, if not Jiang Xinyue appeared, they are afraid that someone has already shot with Cao Xu.

But now, seeing Jiang Xinyue coming out, all the teenagers have calmed down and looked at Cao Xu’s eyes, just like watching a dead person.

"After picking up a sword, he dare to say..."

"Reassured, I will never blame you." Jiang Xinyue chuckled, the white tender little hand slowly pulled out the sabre at the waist, her eyes were low, as if some careless.

Cao Xusong moved the lower bones, and the big thorn stood in the same place, waiting for Jiang Xinyue to squat and fall into her own face.

(End of this chapter)

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