Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1563: Bright and black extortion (2)

Chapter 1563, Akira Akira's Blackmail (2)

You are not afraid, I am afraid!

Jiang Yu was not as clear as Ye Qingqi, and he had to face himself. It can be seen that Ye Qingyi had to work hard to win glory for the family and improve his strength as soon as possible. Jiang Yu’s words were directly stuck in the blind.

Just about things.

Ye Qingxuan really saved him. If it was not Ye Qingyi, he was now afraid of being trapped in a forbidden place with a group of milk-giving children, waiting for the coming of death.

If this is the name, give Ye Qingyi honor points, he is bound to come out to testify, after all, Ye Qing’s entry into the Presbyterian Church is what he meant, to be fair, to give Ye Qingyi honor points, but also to inform other cabinet elders. To prove that they are not biased.


This requires Jiang Yu to testify for her personally and prove that she is trapped in the forbidden place...

This is killing Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu is not willing to tell others.

At the moment, Jiang Yu coughed a bit: "You have no concerns, but I have to worry about you. You have the heart to want to become stronger. I will not erase your enthusiasm." ......"

After Jiang Yu pondered for a moment, this said: "You don't need to say that it is to save me. Just say that you are in the forbidden land of the land of Wan Yao, you have a baby, you have already handed it over to me, and you have already handed it over. Ginger, you can get honor points."

Jiang Ye felt that he was a little shameless, but if he gave her a real reason, Jiang Yu felt that his face was broken, so this found a perfect excuse.

Ye Qingxuan knows Jiang Yu’s scruples. If she needs to become stronger within half a year, she will not mention this matter at all. For Jiang Yu’s statement, there is naturally no second word.

"Taizu domain king is so worried about the younger generation, the younger generation is grateful. After the younger generation gets the honor point, they will work hard to cultivate, and will never live up to the cultivation of the Taizu domain king." Ye Qingyi received it, very It is time to know.

Jiang Yu secretly let out a sigh of relief, then waved his hand and let Ye Qingyi wait outside to wait. He first called several elders in the cabinet, one was to implement Ye Qingyi’s honor points, and the second was It is to take a look at the qualifications of Ye Qingyi.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan's departure from the room, the face on the side of the secluded face was a look of awkwardness, so that Jiang Yu wanted to pick him up.

"You are a younger generation, very smart." Quietly smiled.

Jiang Yu frowned slightly, too lazy to care for him.

Soon, the two cabinet elders came to Jiang Yu, one of them, the cabinet elders who came back with Ye Qingyi.

Jiang Yu told the two men that Ye Qingyi had obtained the baby in the land of Wan Yao and paid it to himself. The two were naturally convinced of Jiang Yu’s words, and now they agreed to give Ye Qingyi a certain honor point reward.

Jiang Yu also knows that Ye Qing’s rescue of his own affairs is a great thing. He has earned a lot of honor points. He just changed his excuse. He did not want Ye Qingyi to suffer too much, so he did not have to The baby blew a bit and directly gave Ye Qingyi a 10,000-point honor point.

"Before I listened to the elders and talked about this Ye Qingyi, saying that she has the blood of the demon in her body. She only spent a lot of time outside and missed the best time for cultivation. Now she is coming back, and it is to see how her qualifications are. If the qualification is excellent, it will be ruined for more than a decade and may not be able to recover." Another foreign kun elder, after hearing that Jiang Yu wants to test Ye Qingyi's qualifications, agreed to nod.

(End of this chapter)

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