Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1568: 哎哟Feed (1)

Chapter 1568 哎哟Feed (1)

The elders of the elders and the elders of Kun had just left the illusion hall, and they went directly to the square of the Taiyuan Valley. They wanted to see the disciples under their own door, and they could slack off their cultivation.

Above the square, many Jiangjia teenagers are sweating and practicing hard.

The other elders are supervising their practice, seeing the elders and the elders of Kun come side by side, when they nod their heads.

But at this moment, a gust of wind whizzed from the entrance of the Taiyuan Valley. Everyone looked up and saw the sky above. A woman with a red dress was whistling.

At the moment, the faces of several elders sank.

The woman slowly landed, a gorgeous and unparalleled face with three points of wild, five-pointed enchanting, two points of arrogance, she was swaying in the red with the wind, like a raging flame, wrapped her graceful body.

"This girl, I don't know how to call it? What's the matter with me in Taiyuan Valley?" The elders stepped forward and looked at the fascinating woman in front of her eyes.

The woman's phoenix eyes are slightly stunned, and the slightly squatting squats with a bit of pride, but the light-browed eyebrows seem to be impatient and anxious. She swept her eyes and saw the people in the square, and then began to open:

"Here is the land of the domain king Jiang?"

There is a strong incompetence in the woman's voice.

"Exactly." The elders.

"That's right." The woman nodded slightly, then raised her eyebrows: "Where are your wife, the wife of Taizuo!"

When the woman said this, everyone was a glimpse. They couldn’t figure out the woman’s way. I don’t know what she was going to do. I heard this saying that the elders’ face was sinking.

"This girl, the wife of our Taizuo King, has fallen for more than 10,000 years ago."

What is this woman doing?

For these words, the woman did not reveal the slightest accident, but the eyebrows were slightly picked. "Then you will not be jealous after the king of the ancestors?"

The woman’s question was quite rude, and the faces of several elders were instantly pulled down, and the words were filled with dissatisfaction:

"Taizu Yuwang has deep roots in his wife's love, and he has not fallen behind since he was behind."

"That's good." The woman seemed to have never heard the displeasure in the tone of several elders. She looked around and said: "I heard that you have returned to the Jiang family, and you have arrived at the Taiyuan Valley. You have called him out."

The woman’s arrogant words made some elders angry in an instant.

The Jiang family's teenagers still don't know that the Taizu domain king has returned. Now I hear that I am very surprised. I know that in the minds of the Jiang family, the Taizu domain king is a very high existence and a strong person in their minds. Many people are very respectful of the Taizu domain king.

It is only now that I learned that the Taizu domain king has returned, but I have encountered such a rude woman to the Taizu domain king. I am very angry at the moment.

"Who is she? I dare to let our Taizuo King come out to see her?"

"Where the crazy woman came, I quickly rushed away."

The faces of several elders were also quite unsightly. They had seen this person alone and they were women. This was a treat, but I didn’t want to, this woman was so arrogant and arrogant!

"What the **** are you doing? Our Jiang family's Taizu domain king and you can see you when you meet! I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise I can only let you go out!" Kun elder sneer One channel.

(End of this chapter)

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