Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1584: Black Witch (2)

Chapter 1584 Black Witch (2)

As the flames of war swept everything, hundreds of towns were infected with deadly plagues, and the plague was like a slashing knife, taking away the lives of countless people.

The plague is a gift from the devil, only to let more people out of their souls in the pain.

The black witch is a servant who sells his soul and is obedient to the devil. They believe in the devil's ideas. In order to worship their masters, they will cruelly bring all disasters to the crowd...

The biggest feature of the Black Witch is the long black hair and the black eyes.

Pure black, that is from the devil's favorite eyes.

"Can't let her leave here, or our town will be greeted with disaster." Someone in the panic group sent out a horror of fear.

Those who feared the black witch began to enclose the whole bar. They held utensils and wooden benches and stared at the girls in front of them.

Ye Qingying looked at a group of people in front of him like a frightened bird. He stared at himself with trepidation and anger, listening to the constant screaming and roaring in their mouths, but she was a little worried.

Black witch?

What the **** is that?

In the world of a star group, Ye Qingyi feels that she still has some understanding. How can these two stars be completely confused?

Looking at the eyes of the pair of horror and hatred, Ye Qingyi came to the world with his own body, fearing that he did not think that he had worn a villain who was murderous and sinless.

Everyone kept screaming, and the sound of a noisy horseshoe came from far and near.

Gathered outside the bar, heard the noise, the people holding the torches, looking at the sound, but saw that the knights wearing heavy armor are riding high horses.

For a moment, everyone saw the savior, and the horrified face showed a smile of hope. They looked at the gorgeous carriage behind the cavalry, full of piety.

"It’s the Bishop of York! The Bishop of York is here!"

"The **** black witch, you are dead this time, the bishop of York will definitely send you back to hell!"

People cheered.

The carriage's door slowly opened. A middle-aged man in a white robe walked down. His eyes were deep and his brown beard was very docile. Under the eyes of everyone, he looked at the chaotic scene, brows. Slightly wrinkled.

"The bishop of York, we found the black witch, please remove the scourge for us and save us believers." The old woman who was also yelling at Ye Qing, rushed forward when she saw the bishop of York. Devoted and predecessors kneel in front of the Bishop of York and pray.

The priest's gaze immediately fell to the girl in the bar. When he saw that the girl had a black long black hair like a black and bright scorpion in the night sky, his gaze was not shocked.

"The devil's minions, reaching out to the innocent civilians, you servants of the devil, do not deserve to embark on this comfortable land." The priest of York screamed, his eyes slightly picked up, disgusted to see Ye Qingyi.

After all, the Bishop of York raised his hand slightly and stepped forward with the Knights of the Holy See behind him. He sent a holy grail made of sterling silver to the hands of the Bishop of York, where the water of the Holy Grail swayed in the fire. Underneath, it reflects a series of water.

These days, gastroenteritis was committed. I stayed in the hospital for some time and slept for two days. I am sorry, this will come back to update, and the more part will be filled in this month.

(End of this chapter)

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