Chapter 1673 Back Cooker (2)

Mu Ruxue and so on have been long enough, and Baili Xuanyun and Mujia people have used a lot of relationships, so that other teenagers familiar with the ancients will vote for her in the red list, and finally, today, Ye Qingyi pressed down from the top of the list.

Although it is temporarily at the top of the list, but Mu Ruxue's heart is more abhorrent.

This is the first, this is her, but now it needs to use the network to be able to stabilize, this is simply a shame for her beauty.

I blame Ye Qing, if not her...

There won't be so many things.

"Good smell." Jiang Shaobai, who had never spoken before, suddenly opened his mouth. His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he snorted and leaned against Ye Qingyi.

"What?" Ye Qingyi gave a slight glimpse.

Jiang Shaobai looked at Ye Qing and said: "Sister Qing, some people's mouths are so stinky, I am so vomiting, let's go to the side, I am afraid I will not be able to spit out the previous meal."

Ye Qingzhen suddenly understood the meaning of Jiang Shaobai's words, and the corner of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Looking at Ye Qing’s smile, Mu Ruxue understands what Jiang Shaobai’s words mean.

"You, this little devil, dare to say that my mouth is stinky? You..."

Jiang Shaobai raised his eyes lazily. "I am named after the name? If you are not guilty, why bother to rush to admit it."

Mu Ruxue’s face turned blacker for a moment, and the subconscious raised his hand to learn Jiang Shaobai.

Jiang Shaobai’s eyes were slightly cold, and when he looked at Mu Ruxue, Mu Ruxue felt like he was staring at the poisonous snake that had been deeply hidden in the cave. The silk chilled over the bones of the whole body, she lifted it up. The handcuffs are stuck in the air.

This little devil, good evil!

"Let's go. I really vomited." Jiang Shaobai looked at the face of the stiff Mu Ruxue, pulling Ye Qing's head and not returning, Jiang Yiran and others immediately followed.

It was not until Jiang Shaobai left, Mu Ruxue came back to God, but this is so, Mu Ruxue thought of the chill of the eyes of Jiang Shaobai, but she frowned at involuntarily.

"What is the little devil?" Mu Ruxue asked.

"It seems to be Jiang Shaobai of Jiang's family." A young boy of the Mu's ancient family.

"Jiang Shaobai?" Mu Ruxue looked blank.

"I heard that I was left in the morning and was later recovered by the Jiang family. The talent is extremely against the sky. It is the second master of the Jiang family."

"It’s just a little devil. What's so great." Mu Ruxue sneered, then turned and left.

After the battle between Ye Qingying and Mu Ruxue, the teenagers in front of them played against each other.

Jiang Yiran repeatedly tried to persuade Ye Qingyi to directly admit defeat, the provincial opportunity to give Mu Ruxue, Ye Qingyi is silent.

This can give Jiang Yiran an urgent need.

The elders also came over at this moment, looking at Jiang, like the ants on the hot pot, and looked at the calm Ye Qing, and then chuckled: "Qing, you have performed very well this time. Mu Ruxue is indeed an extremely strong opponent. The gap between you and her is too great, so there is nothing to care about losing."

Ye Qingzhen can go to the present, and has completely exceeded the expectations of the elders. Although he was cherished for more than a decade of Ye Qing’s ruin, it is obvious that she was so diligent after studying in Taiyuan Valley.

Today, he sees Ye Qingyi as if he is a disciple under his own door.

So he deliberately came here and said to her.

(End of this chapter)

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