Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1699: I am playing you (3)

Chapter 1699 is what you are playing (3)

Ye Qing’s fists not only beat the Baili Xuanyun, but also stupid others.

I always thought that this was a battle without suspense. At this moment, I was already shocked by the chin. Although he did not think that Ye Qingyi would be his opponent, he saw a hundred miles of the top of the peak. The man used his fist to punch his head to the ring, and the picture, let me not be surprised.

"I oh... this Ye Qing 棠...good and fierce."

He also saw the first time, a woman, using such a simple and rude move.

Although it is simple and rude, the picture is too shocking.

Baili Xuanyun is already a nose and a swollen face, and even the line of sight is being blurred. There is a scream of the crowd in his ear, and the huge humiliation is almost swallowed up by him.

How can it be!

He has painstakingly cultivated these years, and one day he will be able to pull Bai Lixi from the first throne, but now he is being humiliated by a realm of Ye Qing, who is far less than his own!

"Ah!" A roar, erupted from the mouth of Baili Xuanyun, he suddenly pulled out the waist sword, madly rushed toward Ye Qingzhen.

Ye Qingxuan’s backhand directly buckled the wrist of Baili Xuanyun’s sword, a fierce fold!

A bang, a crack, the wrist of Baili Xuanyun was instantly broken, and the sword directly smashed out and nailed it to the ground.

"Ye Qingyu!" Under the pain, Baili Xuanyun is like a mad beast. Holding Ye Qing's waist, I want to push Ye Qingyu to the sword that stands.

At this moment, he has no intention of exerting any tricks. He only wants to completely tear Ye Qingyu into a crush with one hand!

Ye Qingyi flew directly and jumped away from the collision of Baili Xuanyun. The anti-ankle was on the back of Baili Xuanyun.

The Baili Xuanyun was swiftly swept forward under the mammoth, and his head directly hit his sword on the ground.

For a moment, the thick **** smell spread out.

Li Jian directly cut off half of the brain of Baili Xuanyun, the white blood of the white flower mixed with blood flowed to the ground, Bai Lixuan Yun died in the blood pool.

I was afraid that at the moment before dying, he never wanted to understand why he would not be able to beat Ye Qingyu at the beginning of the Four Heavens.

Bai Lixuan is dead, and the death is extremely embarrassing...

The elders of the hundred miles looked down in the pool of blood, and the hundred miles of the brain with less than half of his head widened his eyes. He suddenly got up and turned to the elders: "Da elders! Ye Qing of your Jiang family." What have you done?"

On the dry elders, it was a dull one. Until the last moment, he could not think of it. The winner would be Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi won?

Really won? !

The great joy filled the heart of the elders in an instant. Under the scream of the elders of the hundred miles, he turned his head and said: "How can the elders of the hundred miles be so excited, the eyes and feet of the ring are blind, dead and wounded? It is inevitable that it can only be said that the Bailixuan cloud technology of your Baili family is not as good as people."

The elders of the elders will return to the original words that the elders of the hundred miles will say.

This feeling, really a happy!

The elders of the hundred miles were white and almost didn't get killed by the elders.

At this moment, the elders still have the mind to manage how the elders of the hundred miles are angry. His face has been suppressed and a smile has arisen.

(End of this chapter)

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