Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1708: Self-eaten fruit (3)

Chapter 1708 Self-Eating Fruits (3)

On the way back, Ye Qingyu met Jiang Yiran, who was taking people to help out. The Jiang’s teenagers, except for the Jiang Yuyun who was still recovering from the injury, could be said to be all out, and the result was arrogant and half-way, from the leaves. Qing Yu learned from their mouth that the ticket had been retrieved, and Ye Qingyi was already the first beauty of this session.

The news, so that Jiang also suddenly shouted, and then everyone went home.

Because Ye Qingyi saved the face for the Jiang family, the attitude of the Jiang family's teenagers to Ye Qingyi has also changed significantly, and they have all become counted.

In the evening, when the great ancients failed to enter the top ten, they would leave the island with the elders and return to their respective families.

Ye Qingqi and Jiang Shaobai are going to stay on the island, waiting to enter the secrets early tomorrow morning. The two of them are now sending other people from the Jiang family to leave.

Jiang Yiqi cried a tear and a nose, wiped Jiang Shaobai, and gasless Jiang Shaobai almost didn't kill him.

They were screaming, but they suddenly saw the figure of the Mu's ancient people. One of them was slender, but with a veil of vowels covering the face, it caused Jiang Yizhen their idea.

"Weird, why didn't you see Mu Ruxue?" Jiang Yiqi looked up at his head, but he did not see Mu Ruxue's figure.

Jiang Shaobai lifted it up against the figure with a gauze fight, and the fingertips were slightly bucketed, and a wind rolled up, directly blowing the gauze fight.

At the moment when the fight fell, there was a neighbor's disgusting, almost rotten face.

At this moment, all the ancient tribes were there. I wondered who was exclaimed and caused the idea of ​​everyone. The people immediately looked at the past and was immediately shocked by the rotten face.

"I am going, what the hell? How can there be such an ugly woman under the sun?"

"I am going to see the vomit, I haven't seen such an ugly girl in the Mu's ancient family before."

A group of teenagers frowned at disgust.

The ugly woman was screaming, and she quickly smothered her face. The wolverine huddled among the people of the Mu's ancient family, and she did not even dare to look up.

"That is... Mu Ruxue?" Jiang Yizhen looked at the jade that was hung between the ugly woman's waist. Isn't it the accessory that Muruxue hangs every day?

"I said, she wants to not fulfill the gambling contract, does not exist." Jiang Shaobai smiled slightly, then looked up and looked at Ye Qingyi, "Sister Qing, I have a bad breath for you, how can you thank me?"

Ye Qingying looked at the face of peach blossoms, and Jiang Xiaobai, who had a bright smile, couldn't help but think of it. Then she remembered the scene where Jiang Shaobai held Mu Luxue's wrist.

Isn't it...

At that time, Jiang Shaobai secretly poisoned Mu Ruxue?

"The beauty is not easy to find, Qing sister, I found it after a small amount of effort." Jiang Shaobai smiled.

The beauty of his mouth is a very poisonous poison. The poison will not damage people's lives, but it will make people's faces rot for years. No one knows what the antidote of this poison is.

Ye Qingxi looked at Jiang Shaobai with a grin and smiled. He raised his hand and licked his little head. Although it was speechless, his heart was full of warmth.

"Less white, you are amazing." Jiang Yizhen's means for Jiang Shaobai can be said to be admired by the five-body cast, to Muru Xue like the appearance of the temperament, I am afraid that now disfigured has become this way, this life is not dare to go out to see people. .

Killing people, this is enough!

(End of this chapter)

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