Chapter 1715 is not dead (1)

But before Jiang Xiaobai and Ye Qingzhen reacted, the huge humming sound punctures the eardrums in an instant. The ice and snow under them are suddenly rising out of countless ice cones!

The huge blizzard suddenly rose from the ground, and the dense snow covered the sky, as if it swallowed the world in an instant.

Ye Qingyi couldn't see the sight in front of him. He only felt that the huge breath was constantly coming behind him.

Under the hurricane, the human body seemed to be so vulnerable, and Ye Qingyi was directly swayed by the hurricane. She could only stabilize her body as much as possible and would not fall from the sky.

Everything around is like a catastrophe, the world will be destroyed, and the front is white, and the wind is like a whole person who wants to smash Ye Qing.

Under these blizzards, even if there is no side power, it is enough to tear a strong person who is a big **** in the heavens.

Ye Qingyi did not know how long he had been flying in the snow, and the clothes on his body had already been covered with frost. If the little white tiger in his arms was constantly exuding heat, she was afraid that she had been frozen to death.

Until a long time later, Ye Qingyi finally flew away from the blizzard area, and the wind around it gradually became smaller. She turned around and looked at it. The place behind it was pure white. The hurricane was mixed with frost and swept everything. The sound of the cold wind screamed like a call from the abyss. Roar.

"Knocking Li Niang, what is the monster in the end, even I can't recognize it?" The little white tiger in the arms of Ye Qing's arms shook his snow.

"It's scale is similar to ice. It can reflect the outside world. It looks like an ice sculpture. If you don't move, you can't detect its existence. You can't see what it is." Panting and standing still, under the extreme cold, her body's power consumption is constantly multiplying.

Xiaobaihu moved his ears, looked up and looked around, they just rushed to rush, and in the blizzard, they couldn’t see the road ahead. Now they are looking at it, but the snow is covered, but the terrain is present. There is a crack like a canyon.

"There is a voice." Ye Qing's look changed slightly, and he clearly heard the sound of snow and ice being trampled.

Her subconscious cat's waist fell behind a raised snow Qiu.


A strange sound from far to near, slowly introduced into Ye Qingying's ear, the sound is like the sound of a bone collision.

"I seem to hear the roar of the Lord of the Ice?" A strange voice rang.

"I am afraid that there are people who don't know how to live and die. When they step into the secret world, luck can be really backed up. Once they hit the hands of the Lord of the Ice, I am afraid that there will be more pendants on the body of the Ice Lord. "The other voice seems to be answering the general."

Ye Qingyi listened to the two voices getting closer and closer, she quietly looked at the source of the sound, but saw...

Two bones on the shelf, stepping on the snow, leaning on the head, as if listening to something.

Undead? !

When Ye Qingying saw the two embarrassing moments, he immediately thought of the Yi family in the undead. However, in the blink of an eye, Ye Qingxuan noticed something different.

The undead will have an unspeakable airlessness, but the two skeletons have no dead air, but they have the breath that only the human race has.

That is... people?

Before Ye Qingying had figured out whether the two shackles were human or undead, the snow Qiu in front of her suddenly moved.

(End of this chapter)

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