Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1718: Cursed mystery (1)

Chapter 1718 The Cursed Secret (1)

"This first domain was originally a cage used by the true **** to imprison the demon. The true **** imprisoned the demon in the first domain, so that the demon could not escape. But the devil had reached an agreement with the Terran, and the tribe who once believed in the true God chose to betray. , all the demons who were imprisoned and the first domain were released..."

The betrayal of human beings destroyed the imprisonment of the first domain against the demon. The demons regained their freedom. Many true gods came to deal with the demon, but they died in the hands of the demon.

Those tragic gods, resentful of the betrayal of the Terran, and the disappearance of their spirits, turned into this mysterious world, in this mysterious world, full of true God's curse to the Terran.

But no one who has entered this place can live alive.

They will be trapped here forever, and will not die until their flesh is corrupted, blood is drained, and it becomes a forest bone, but it is still not dead. Eternal life is trapped in this secret world, and life cannot be guaranteed.

It is permanently tolerated by extreme cold and extreme heat.

"The true God who died at the beginning, part of it became the extremely cold ice where we are now, and the other part turned into a place of natural inflammation. These two areas are two extremes. Here you can never get rid of that enough. The soul freezes in the extreme cold, but in the land of Tianyan, you have to bear the heat that is enough to evaporate the soul." Yuan Emperor slowly told Ye Qingyi about the origin of the secret.

Ye Qingyi listened to the interpretation of Yuan Di, and could not help but feel a slight shock.

Because of the betrayal of the Terran, the demon reappeared in the world, and gave all the true God of man, but became the greatest victim.

Such betrayal is afraid that no one can forgive.

This is the original sin of the Terran...

"The curse has been triggered since the moment when the Terran entered the secret world. You have now been cursed and infested." Yuan Di looked at Ye Qingyi as if to let her accept her life.

"But you are lucky. I heard that the Lord of the Ice is being alarmed. You can escape from it. It is the greatest luck. You will be at least free. If you are cold, if you are cold. The Lord swallows, then you can only become a part of it, the mind is immortal, but it is melted into its body every day, the torture, I am afraid that it will make people more collapse." Yuandi raised his hand and took a picture of Ye Qingqi shoulder.

Anyway, no one can go out here, no one can escape.

"Don't you have a way to leave here?" asked Ye Qingyu.

Yuandi hesitated for a moment, but said nothing, just got up and left.

Other "people" are lazy and idle, and they have long been here for a long time, and they have long been used to this endless despair and torture.

How can Ye Qingyi not understand why the secret end of the fairy tales suddenly becomes the curse of the true God.

"If you really want to know, if you leave here, go to the cave and ask someone to ask." Qin Zhuo, who had never spoken before, suddenly opened his mouth and raised his finger to a small cave on the side of the canyon.

"Thank you!" Ye Qingyi gratefully looked at Qin Zhuo, Qin Zhuo was sitting still on the ground, repeatedly rubbing the shattered sword in his hand with white snow.

Ye Qingyi immediately walked toward the cave pointed by Qin Zhuo.

The cave was a little narrow, and it was Ye Qingying who entered the petite body and needed to bend slightly.

However, after a few meters, Ye Qingyu saw this ice platform, but there was a pale hoe.

(End of this chapter)

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