Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1722: Extremely cold (2)

Chapter 1722 Extremely cold ice (2)

Obviously, she has been so painful that she can't wait to die immediately, but her mouth still continually spreads the tunes that seem to have nothing...

On the crystal clear ice tree, there are blood marks that have been frozen.

Beautiful and horrible.

"Oh..." Sang Yuyu's chin grew hard and made a sound of bones being cracked.

A drop of blood and tears rolled down her eyes, and she had already slipped on her cheeks and had already frozen on her face.

Ye Qingxi secretly clenched her fists. Although she did not have too much contact with Sang Yuyu, this scene in front of her made her uncomfortable.

"You can't save her." Xiaobaihu looked at Ye Qing's tight lips and whispered.

"I know." Ye Qingyi lowered his voice, and Sang Yuyu's strength was still above her, but she could not escape this ice tree...

"Hurry up, this place, I don't know how many monsters." Xiaobaihudao.

Ye Qingyi looked at Sang Yuyu and forcibly endured the inner impulse, holding the little white tiger to fly away.

Only by destroying the skeleton of the cursed god, the soul trapped in this secret can be freed from liberation...

Ye Qingzhen did not think that the first partner she had found turned out to be like this, which made her a depressed heart, and she became more and more serious.

"She looks like she fled here during the process of avoiding the Lord of the Ice." Little White Tiger.

Ye Qingyi nodded. She had thought about telling others about the news she had received, but now she is not so optimistic.

Mulberry Yu’s strength is not weak, even on his own, but he is still tortured by the monsters here. I really don’t know... other people still have a few ways to go.

Ye Qingqi has not yet flown far, the ice forest seems to feel her presence. Suddenly, the vines on the numerous ice trees are flying towards Ye Qingying.

"Run!" A scream of screaming suddenly rang from Ye Qing.

Ye Qing’s heart was shocked.

That is the voice of Sang Yuyu, her last voice...

Ye Qingyi did not dare to stay in the slightest, and hurriedly took the little white tiger and quickly left.

Those ice vines are like staring at Ye Qingyi, and they continue to fly out. They want to pull Ye Qingyi together and become their playthings.

Ye Qing’s back slammed an ice vine, and the pain of tearing the heart suddenly spread to her body with a bit of coldness. She shook a little and almost fell from the air. .

Xiaobaihu rushed to open a mouth and a white spurted to the ice vine.

Ye Qing licked his teeth and reluctantly, and hugged the little white tiger to fight forward and flew forward.

Can't stop!

The ice forest underneath is like alive, and the icy ice vines rise upwards, like a hand from the purgatory, trying to drag Ye Qingyu into the abyss.

Death, there is always the risk of coming.

"Help me, don't leave me..." Sang Yuyu's voice suddenly sounded from behind Ye Qing's body. Ye Qingyi looked down subconsciously, but saw an ice vine on top of it. The purple tongue, shaking, sent a sound that made Ye Qing’s hair creep.

That is the tongue of Sang Yuyu...

"Boom!" A loud noise suddenly sounded from the front of Ye Qing.

I saw a series of vibrations suddenly appearing in the ice forest ahead.

I haven't waited for Ye Qingying to see what happened to it, a huge black shadow, but suddenly burst out from the ice forest!

(End of this chapter)

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