Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1724: Extremely cold (4)

Chapter 1724 Extremely cold (4)

Under the heavy impact, Xiaobaihu Lisuo climbed up and looked at Ye Qingyu, who had already passed out under his own claws.

At this moment, Ye Qingying was cold in the whole body, and the wound of the arm was passively purple, and the power was exhausted, which made her unable to maintain her own temperature.

In the extremely cold ice, the power of human beings is ten times more than outside.

The temperature here is fatal for any strong person.

Bai Hu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took Ye Qing’s group on his soft belly and warmed Ye Qing’s body with his body temperature.

Ye Qingying's faint woke, only felt the pain of the heart's heartbreaking, but there was a warm feeling, constantly washing the pain.

When Ye Qing opened his eyes, he saw the small white tiger that was getting bigger. He was carefully using his tongue to lick the wound of Ye Qingying to prevent the skin from being necrotic under extremely cold temperatures.

"..." The white tiger saw Ye Qing woke up, and this slowed down.

Ye Qingyan looked at the sharp barb on the white tiger's tongue, and saw that it carefully licked her wound with a soft tongue, not letting the barb hurt her, and my heart could not help but warm.

"I'm fine." Ye Qingyi raised his hand and licked the white tiger's fur.

From the moment I stepped into the secret, everything around me seemed to be asking her for her life. For a short period of time, it was like a **** battle, which made people exhausted.

Ye Qingyi took the medicinal herbs from the space ring, but although the magic weapon did not work, the medicinal herbs were still effective.

Surrounded by snow and snow, silent and silent, between the vast world, Ye Qingying could not see any creatures beside him. Except for the white tiger, she was only herself.

"The extremely cold ice, the place of Tianyan... the true **** cemetery..." Ye Qing muttered in the mouth, at this moment she could not even step out the extremely cold ice, the place of Tianyan in front and the true cemetery, and What a horror it would be, she could not imagine.

First, Sang Yuyu, and then Qin Mo, plus Wu Xiao, who was swallowed up by the Lord of the Ice, had ten people in the competition.

Ye Qingyi does not know whether other people are still alive, or ... they have also "dead" on this extremely cold ice.

"Less white... you must have nothing to do." Ye Qing's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the most worrying thing in his heart is the safety of Jiang Shaobai.

Because the white tiger is too big now, in such a dangerous situation, it is too conspicuous, Ye Qingyi can only simply wrap the wound, and after swallowing a few bottles of medicinal herbs, let the white tiger become smaller and hold it above the sky. flight.

Ye Qingying hopes to find Jiang Shaobai on the road. Someone else doesn't have the heart to manage it, but when she thinks that the little guy who is laughing and laughing all day will die here, her heart is tight.

Under the snow, the cold wind whizzed past, Ye Qingyu continued to move forward with the cold wind, she tried to find the figure of Jiang Shaobai, but there was no clue, surrounded by icebergs, silent, this place is like a dead, There is no such thing as life.

On the other side of the road, Ye Qingxi saw a long sword embedded in the ice. The sword was covered with blood. At the hilt, a broken hand still held the sword in the snow. The land, the blood is so conspicuous.

At a glance, Ye Qingyi recognized that the sword was all war, but at this moment, the war and Rao had disappeared, leaving only the broken arm and the solitary sword.

(End of this chapter)

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