
These days, I encountered some unexpected incidents, and I had some problems with my eyes. I was unable to go online and explain to you in a timely manner. Please understand.

I have always felt that my body is still ok, writing books for four or five years, almost no rest, staring at the computer every day, every day and night, I feel nothing, but the result is that the body can not withstand the toss.

Waiting for regret, it is too late.

Here, I hope that everyone should pay more attention to the weekdays. When you use your eyes, pay more attention to protecting your eyes. If you watch a mobile phone or a computer, you should close your eyes and take a look at the distant things, relax your eyes and let your eyes Relax, don't stay up late, pay attention to keep warm, although it is a bit embarrassing, but it is also the experience of people coming over, I hope that everyone can be healthy and long-lived, no matter what is more important than their own body.

(End of this chapter)

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