Chapter 1742 Food foraging (4)

A piece of meat, the little demon swallowed cleanly. After eating it, it ran two small short legs to the body of the frost behemoth, learning the posture of Ye Qingqi, and peeling off the skin of the whole body of the frost beast. Down, then look at Ye Qingyi.

"Ah! Oh!" It has two short front paws that can be slapped under the claws.

"Call. Call!"

This is to let Ye Qingyi give the whole arm a roast.

Ye Qingxiu laughed and laughed and smashed Xiaotian Mou. Raising his hand and a black flame will make the whole body of the frosty beast roast.

Thick barbecue, filled with air.

Ye Qing’s hand is full of saliva under the little devil.

I haven't waited for Ye Qingying to let it go, and the little demon has thrown over the baked frosty beast and smashed it up.

Xiaobaihu walked over at the pace and looked at the little demon who was immersed in the joy of food. His face was incredible.

"If this is to show it to his aunt, I am afraid that I will not want to kill it." Xiaobaihu is really the first time to see such a magical demon.

Ye Qingxi sneered a little, and he cut off the barbecue and filled it up.

Although the little white tiger is not hungry, it was infected by the eating of the squalor of the little devil, and also tasted a few mouthfuls.

Not to mention, the taste is really good.

"I found that you have the talent to be a cook." I still don't forget to "boil" Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qing’s mouth was slightly twitching.

The frosty beast is more than ten meters high, that is, let Ye Qing 棠 eat for a year can not eat, but Xiaotian konjac is with its mini body, in a moment, the entire frost giant beggar Become a bone shelf, not to waste.

The appetite is so big that Xiaobaihu is stunned.

The stomach of this goods, is it a bottomless pit?

The little demon who opened the door to the new world tasted the sweetness. Suddenly, he discovered that the monsters that he had eaten before were difficult to enter, and under the flame of Ye Qingying’s flame, they would become so delicious, watching Ye Qing’s The eyes are getting more excited.

The taste of the marrow is so obvious that the craving for this kind of food is so obvious that after the night falls, when Ye Qingying points to the bonfire, the little scorpion is actually biting the tail of the white tiger and will drag the white tiger into the bonfire. I plan to roast the white tiger.

Instantly smashed the hair of the little white tiger.

Does this food actually make it a reserve grain? !

Ye Qingying looked so sorrowful and horrified, and the horrible mystery also made her feel a bit of joy because of the arrival of Xiaotian Mo.

However, in order to prevent the little Tianmo from tossing to eat the little white tiger, Ye Qingyi also began to take the road with Xiao Tian Mo and Xiao Bai Hu, while foraging, seeing too powerful monsters, they detoured, borrowed The enchanting sound of Xiaotian Moe escapes from birth. If the strength is not too horrible, they will take a tooth festival and even kill it.

The stomach of the little devil who eats is bulging.

The biggest interest every day is to look for monsters in the snow and ice, for it, it is its ration.

I didn’t know how long it took, and there was silence everywhere. The lazy squatting squatting in the arms of Ye Qing’s snoring, Ye Qingying heard the sound of running water from afar.

"How can there be water?" Ye Qingyi’s heart could not help but raise doubts.

Be aware that any liquid on this extremely cold ice will be frozen in an instant, and she has not seen any traces of water.

(End of this chapter)

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