Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1796: Escape from birth (1)

Chapter 1796 Escape from Birth (1)

Seeing Ye Qingyi seems to have room for negotiation, the Tian Yaozu general still has no sound, but the eyes have flashed a sharp color.

At the moment when Ye Qing’s pretending to look down, the Tian Yao’s general will suddenly shoot directly!

"I already knew that you are not good!" Ye Qingyi was prepared, and immediately spurred the Shenhai, once again into the twisted space.

But this time, the Tian Yaozu general has been exhausted by patience. At the moment when Ye Qingzhen did not enter the distorted space, the Tian Yaozu general was violently rushing toward the direction of Ye Qingying disappearing.

Ye Qingying, who is still in the middle of two spatial shifts, felt a violent shock under the dizziness. Ye Qingyu, who was already about to enter another space, was suddenly found in the Tian Yaozu general. Under constant attack, the virtual energy of the interface between the two spaces has been greatly attacked.

The void energy is in chaos, and under unstable conditions, it is impossible to transfer Ye Qingyu to another space.

Ye Qingyan suddenly took a cold sweat.

This day, the demon general, really was forced to rush, so do not want to blast the empty energy.

In this way, she can no longer continue to hide.

Ye Qingying's figure flickers in the void energy and the enclosed space, I am afraid that it will not take long to return to the mountain.

If this is going back, Ye Qingzhen can almost conclude that he has only one dead end.

The Tian Yaozu general already knows the secret that prevents her from crossing the space. She is afraid that she will never be able to cross the space in front of him.

"It’s really a savage cockroach..." Ye Qingxi secretly bite her teeth, and a huge sense of urgency shrouded her body.

Just as Ye Qing was on the verge of desperation, she suddenly felt that under the constant turmoil, the Shenhai in her body seemed to have also suffered from this shock wave, and the breath of Shenhai entered the strangeness of Ye Qingyu. Through the Eight Pulses, Ye Qingxuan discovered that with the turbulence of the sea of ​​gods, her body began to become looming.

Could it be that……

Can this Shenhai help her stealth?

Under the crisis, Ye Qingyi tried hard to push the Shenhai Sea and let his breath flow into the whole body. If not, the body of Ye Qingyi disappeared completely.

At the beginning of the millennium, Ye Qingyi finally caught the last straw.

But now, Ye Qingyi does not dare to act rashly.

Although this invisibility is a good method, but how strong the Tian Yao family is, even if she can be invisible, I am afraid that I can not escape his perception.

Ye Qingyi could only force himself to calm down, and soon a thought appeared in Ye Qing’s mind.

In the next second, under the constant attack of the Tian Yaozu general, the void energy was completely disrupted.

Ye Qingyi came out directly from the junction point.

When the demon generals saw Ye Qing’s figure, the corner of his mouth sneered a sneer. Just as he was preparing to slowly torture this **** little devil, Ye Qingyi used all the power, directly Going up to the top of her mountain with the head of the Tian Yao family.

In an instant, the gravel rolled down, and the huge explosion raised countless dust.

When Ye Qing was in the midst of chaos, he immediately spurred the gods in the body and directly entered the state of mind.

The Tian Yaozu general raised his hand and rolled up a gust of wind to sweep the dust away. The heart sneered at Ye Qing’s dying struggle, but when the dust dispersed, he suddenly found out that he was standing in his own Ye Qing’s early morning. It has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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