Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1810: Broken Temple (3)

Chapter 1810 Broken Shrine (3)

All that is in front of us is the illusion that remained in this temple hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Ye Qingyi did not know when the illusion would end. She could only stand quietly and watch the things that happened in this temple hundreds of thousands of years ago. I looked at those that already existed in the legend. The Taikoo people and the true God.

Looking at the ancient people, the enthusiasm and worship of the true God, if you do not know what happened afterwards, Ye Qingyi is afraid of unimaginable, and finally these ancient people chose to betray the true God.

The illusion of the present is not lasting, but in a moment, the scene in the temple is transformed into another appearance.

Still full of light, sitting on the throne, the true **** of the golden armor of the throne is still so powerful, but the appearance of the ancient people who came to worship has changed a bit.

The face of the original Qing dynasty gradually matured. The men and women who stood at the forefront have already become excellent superpowers. Rao is a virtual shadow. Ye Qingying can clearly feel that they are above the atmosphere. The change, the strength of these people, has actually increased by more than ten times, and what makes Ye Qing even more surprised is that they have revealed a sacred power.

A moment later, Ye Qingzhen realized that the Taikoo people at that time had not yet betrayed the true God, and the gates of the realm of yin and yang were not closed.

Ye Qingyi did not know how long the two illusions were separated. She only found that the Taikoo people who were in front of the true God had a little light before the enthusiasm and worship in the eyes.

However, they are still full of respect, and the eyes of the true God are full of admiration, but after they mature, everything revealed is deeper.

The true God blessed these ancient people, Ye Qingyi only looked at the true God slowly opening, but could not hear any sound, but after the end of the true mythology, those Taikoo people respectfully nodded.

Ye Qingzhen remembered the information on those murals. After the creation of the Taikoo people, the true God not only taught them to practice, but also set certain rules for them.

Perhaps this is the rule that the true God is making the Taikoo people.

Ye Qingyi is only guessing that the picture in front of him is once again converted.

This time, those ancient people became more powerful, and their fear of the true God was gradually getting weaker.

This time, Ye Qingyi was next to the throne, but found another figure.

It was a slender and gentle body. It was a stunning woman with a golden tassel veil on her face, covering most of her looks, but the eyes that were exposed outside were so charming.

Ye Qingyi has never seen such a good-looking eye.

Even though I don't know the true appearance of the woman, but with that pair of eyes, Ye Qingyi feels that no one in this world will be more beautiful than her.

And the woman's body also revealed the holy power.

She is also a true god.

I don't know why, Ye Qingyi always thinks that the figure of this woman is very similar to the figure of the mysterious woman she saw in the secret.

But before Ye Qingzhen thought about it, the picture suddenly turned, and the light of the whole temple suddenly darkened a little. When the temple door was opened again, the heads of the Taizu people strode in, this time. ......They never have to pay tribute to the true gods, but they are slightly respectful and slightly bowed...

(End of this chapter)

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