Chapter 1815 Betrayal (2)

Under the lightning, the devil did not move his teeth. He just looked up and looked at the woman who was away from him on the void.

"Ming God! I have promised to leave with you, how can you not keep your credit!" The woman's face sank, and there was a burst of light shining through the sky.

The clearing of the gods, Ye Qingyi did not know what he said, but his words, but instantly let the woman's anger to calm down.

Ming Shen no longer stayed and took the woman directly. Ye Qingyi was pulled back to the temple with the woman’s departure.

"Ming God, I promise you, will not go to see him again, you say that lightning, is a warning to him, then I will give you a warning, if you dare to shoot him, you and I are the enemy." The woman stood in the temple and looked coldly at the gods.

In this mystery, the power of the demon has been greatly suppressed. This temple is the root of the power of the demon.

This is why the town gods can trap the devil here.

The reason why the woman will compromise is because she knows that if the **** of the gods and other gods are killed, even if she is desperately guarding him, those gods will take his life.

Ming Shen slowly opened his mouth.

The woman frowned. "I said that he is different from other gods! I believe him, there is nothing else between him and me, only the purest feelings, how can he use me!"

"Whoever is likely to betray the world, but he will not."

"I believe him, if one day, he really did something bad, I will take everything!"

Ming Shen apparently did not intend to wave directly with the woman, and the woman took a deep breath and then turned and walked into the depths of the hall.

As the woman left, the illusion of Ye Qing’s eyes changed again.

Among the temples, a large number of Taikou people stood in the temple, and above the gods, the gods of majesty and indifference in the past, but now the face is blue.

Next to his throne, a golden wine glass was poured.

The light that shrouded him above his body suddenly weakened a lot.

Among the Taikoo people, the men and women headed by the cold eyes looked at the pale-faced gods, and there was no reverence and fullness in the eyes, but full of ambition and desire.

The strength of these Taikoo people is far stronger than any of the strong people who Ye Qing has seen. Their strength is almost to compete with the true God.

Just because they are still one step away, they can have the power to confront God.

"For thousands of years, the true God has always been high. You have created us, but they have bound us. We are no longer the dolls that you can control at will..." The man of the Taikoo ethnic group headed out, and this time, Ye Qingzhen actually heard his voice.

But there is only one sentence, and then they are talking about something, Ye Qingyi has not heard.

At this moment, Ye Qingyi also realized that this scene in front of her eyes was the moment when Tiangu Terran joined the demon and betrayed the true God!

Among the golden wine glasses, there must be something that is detrimental to the power of God!

The face of the devastated Mingshen was gloomy. He raised his hand and the light shrouded the entire hall. The guards of the temples emerged immediately and threw themselves at the betrayal Taizuo people.

A **** battle broke out in the temple.

At this moment, Ye Qingzhen realized that the power of the Taikoo people was so powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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