Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1819: Wrong and right (3)

Chapter 1819 is wrong and right (3)

Ye Qingyi looked at Xiaobaihu silently.

Isn't this obvious?

It has to blow a bite...

But soon, Ye Qingyi found that there was some abnormality on the jade platform.

Most of the things in this secret room have been destroyed, but only this jade platform is still very complete, and there is no more damage than dust.

"There is a groove here." The little white tiger carried the gray claws and pointed to the position of the center of the jade.

Sure enough, there is an inconspicuous groove there.

It looks like a keyhole, and in the keyhole, there are still half of the keys that have been broken.

Ye Qingyan swept her eyes, and the shape of the key made her feel familiar.

She subconsciously thought of what she saw in the illusion.

After the death of Mingshen, the leader of the Taikoo Terran, who dug the key that could lift the **** of the demon, was dug out of the body of the gods and handed it to the hands of the demon.

"Don't say that this is the key to unlocking the seal..." Ye Qing's brow furrowed slightly, and the subconsciously reached out to remove the broken key from the hole.

But at the moment when Ye Qingyi touched the key.

There was a gust of wind in the entire secret room.

Everything in front of Ye Qing’s eyes, spinning rapidly.

The entire secret room was shrouded in an illusion.

At this moment, Ye Qingyi finally saw what the scene of the female real **** saw after entering the gate.

In the secret room, standing two tall demons, this time, Ye Qingyi can clearly hear their voices.

"Painting, this time thanks to you." A demon lifted his hand and photographed it on the shoulder of another demon.

Another Tianmo named Tufu did not open his mouth, but frowned slightly, but his back made Ye Qingyi feel extremely familiar.

Isn't that the demon that the woman is really in love with?

At this moment, Ye Qingying saw the face of Tu Fu.

The appearance of the demon can change with the desire of sex. They can be beautiful and unparalleled, and they can be beautiful and flawless. They can be turned into fierce and fierce beasts. There is no fixed number.

The appearance of the painting is so beautiful.

The slightly indifferent face was a little dignified, and he did not respond to his companions.

However, Ye Qingxuan’s heart has raised a trace of doubt.

Could it be that……

It’s really the use of the woman by the floater. All his love and pity before is just to take advantage of the woman’s infatuation?

In the immediate situation, Ye Qingyi does not want to doubt.

And the scene she saw, the woman's knowledge of entering the secret room, is naturally clear.

First, the Taizu people who were created by themselves were betrayed, and then they saw the fall of many true gods. Nowadays, they are watching, their love, revealing all the disguise...

Ye Qing suddenly felt the light in the secret room become flickering and faint, and she looked away behind her.

Sure enough, the woman’s gods stood by the jade platform. She saw everything and heard everything.

At this moment, the woman’s beautiful face has been replaced by a layer of gloomy and distorted hatred.

The good-looking eyes have become red and red at the moment, and the walls in the entire chamber have shattered in an instant.

One of the devils saw that the situation was wrong, and the subconsciously wanted to pull out the key in the jade.

(End of this chapter)

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