Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1832: Life is worse than death (1)

Chapter 1832 is born, it is better to die (1)

Ye Qing blinked at Jiang Shaobai's arm, dragged into the body, his heart tightened, raising his hand and a black inflammation directly blew past.

Those who are alive and dead, fearing the power of black inflammation, instantly retracted their hands.

Ye Qingyi did not dare to stay at the moment, flew directly to jump, and when Jiang Shaobai was picked up from the ground, he raised several black flame shots and solved the dilemma of Xiaobaihu. He turned Jiang Shaobai on the back of Xiaobaihu.

"Look at them."

After Ye Qingxuan saw that Jiang Shaobai was safely on the back of the white tiger, this was a secret sigh of relief, and then a step to the side, saved Bai Lixi and Mu Feiruo together.

"It's hot!"

"I am dying of me."

The living dead who had been burned by black inflammation gave a painful mourning.

Clear eyes that have been empty, actually shed two lines of blood and tears.

Under the curse of the cursed god, the Terran trapped here will never die.

Even if they are broken, consciousness will never dissipate.

Ye Qingying looked at the crying and painful face, and couldn’t stop the powerful nausea for everything in this mysterious sin.

The true gods hated the betrayal of the Taizu people, so they cast a curse of immortality, and all this made this secret world a purgatory on earth.

At this moment, Ye Qingzhen realized that why the second domain powerhouse with only one skull left would refuse to take her to the cemetery.

I am afraid that he has already seen everything here...

This is definitely not a nightmare that anyone wants to see again.

Ye Qingxuan did not have time to think extravagantly. The dead people in the land continued to reach out and wanted to drag her into the ground.

Ye Qingyi can only release black inflammation and force them back.

The only thing that was spared was that it was the little demon. Those who died were like the fear of the little demon. But wherever the little devil passed, they subconsciously shrank on the ground and did not dare to move.

Ye Qingyi soon noticed this. She immediately took Xiaotian Mou in her arms and jumped to the back of the white tiger.

Through the breath of the little demon, the living dead people around them no longer dare to reach out, they can only look at the pair of red eyes, staring at Ye Qingyi and his party.

“How many people are there here?” Bai Hu looked at the densely dead people. Some of the dead people’s heads had been twisted off by their companions, leaving only a thin layer of skin and sticking to the head and neck.

Even so, they still did not die, even if their heads were broken by the waves of other living dead people, the brain flowed to the ground, they still squinted and gave a harsh whine.

Life is worse than death.

As long as the skeleton of the cursed **** still exists, they will never be able to get rid of this state of life and death.

"Ye... Qing 棠..."

Suddenly, Ye Qingyi heard a familiar call.

She immediately looked at the source of the sound.

Among a bunch of dead people, she actually saw a familiar face.


The previously lost war, at this moment is being buried in a pile of living dead, compared with other living dead, his face has not completely turned gray, but it is already pale, without the slightest blood.

His eyes were surrounded by a circle of red light, and the radiance in his eyes gradually faded away. One of his arms was gone and his face was awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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