Chapter 1841 Truth (2)

Tufu came to the temple, the once radiant temple, but now it was broken, he looked like a crazy figure in the temple to find the familiar figure, but nothing.

"I have never betrayed you, I have been looking for you, but... I am still a step late... Sorry, I have not complied with the agreement between you and me, I have not been able to guard you when you need it most... ..."

The sound of the floating sound sounded in the illusion.

He searched every corner of the battlefield, but he never saw the shadow of the cursed god. When he returned to the temple and wanted to find the last clue, he found out...

His lover is dead, and her remaining consciousness is full of hatred.

In the secret room of the temple, the remnant consciousness of the cursed **** violently walked under the impact and was seriously injured.

At that moment, he also realized that his lover had been swallowed up by resentment.

He abandoned and left, using all his vitality, wrote the ancient curse of the demon family on the wall of the chamber.

At the moment of completion, his body was completely torn.

In this world, since she is no longer there, then... why should he continue to live in this world?

Here, there is no such thing as her attachment.

Since he was unable to honor his promise when he was alive, he will be guarded by her forever.

The power of painting...

Part of it became the power of guardianship, poured into the black armor, and always guarded by the skeleton of the cursed god.

Part of it turned into a new little demon, trying to find her phantom in the secret...

An illusion, like a horse-drawn lamp, is skipped with Ye Qingying and the cursed god.

Everything that is not known, quietly reveals all the secrets.

Ye Qing lived, she remembered the mysterious mantra she saw in the temple. Before she didn't know what it was, now... she understood.

Tu Fu, never betrayed the cursed god.

He has been looking for her, using his life to guard her.

Even if she has become the curse of the dark curse...

But she is still his only lover.

Until the illusion dissipated, Ye Qingyi could not return to God for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the love of painting is so deep, he has never betrayed, just as the cursed **** would rather abandon the godhead and accompany him. He chooses to die and always guards her.

This is also an atonement and fails to save her sin.

Those misunderstandings, let her once happy and tolerant, turned into a cursed god, forever immersed in hatred.

Ye Qingyi raised his eyes subconsciously, wondering if only the remaining consciousness of the cursed **** of resentment can see all this.

When Ye Qing looked up, she was stunned.

The huge skeleton, which was full of cursing power, suddenly disappeared, and there was only one illusory and beautiful figure standing there.

The beautiful woman slowly raised her head and looked at the light shining from the sky. Her mouth raised a smile, and the tears slipped silently from her eyes...

"Why don't you tell me earlier..." She spoke slowly, but the voice was so bleak.

She hated hundreds of thousands of years and complained for hundreds of thousands of years...

I don't know, he has been guarding her for hundreds of thousands of years.

Looking at the black armor that had been broken, the eyes of the cursed **** were full of despair.

(End of this chapter)

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