Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1843: Women's clothing (1)

Chapter 1843 Women's Big Bang (1)

After a while, when Ye Qingyi opened his eyes again, everything in front of him was completely different.

The true cemetery of the skeleton has disappeared. Instead, it is a dark forest. The pressure of the body that was covered in Ye Qing’s body has disappeared completely without a trace. The power of rapid consumption in the body suddenly returned to normal... ...

"Is it finally left the secret?" Ye Qingyi looked around, and at the moment she was not sure whether she really left the secret.

She did not take the initiative, but stood with the little white tiger and the sleeping three.

If it was sent back later, she was quite used to it.

But after waiting for a while, Ye Qingyi did not feel the harbinger of being forced to go, she was wondering if she really left the ghost place completely.

A sullen, suddenly from the back of the little white tiger.

Jiang Shaobai, who has been awake and awake, woke up in a faint manner. His face was slightly pale, without the slightest blood color. It looked pitiful.

The moment he opened his eyes, his eyes flashed a sharp color, but when he looked up and saw Ye Qingyan standing in front of him, the sharp color of his eyes faded in an instant.

"Sister Qing?!" Jiang Shaobai looked at Ye Qingyi with amazement and joy. The delicate little face naturally burst into a brilliant smile.

Ye Qingyan looked at Jiang Shaobai, who suddenly woke up, and let out a sigh of relief.

Before Jiang Shaobai and others have been awake, Ye Qingyi still has some concerns that they can still wake up.

It seems to be...

As long as they leave the secret, their consciousness should soon wake up.

"Sister Qing, how are you here? What is this?" Jiang Shaobai's brain is still a little groggy. His last memory is that after being dispersed, he encountered a wave of monster attacks. After that, he has been fleeing around. I don't know where I fled, the whole person fell directly into a huge deep pit...

After what happened, Jiang Shaobai had no impression at all.

Ye Qingyan glanced at Jiang Shaobai. Although the boy was slightly pale in appearance, his breath was very stable and he snorted.

Jiang Shaobai looked at Ye Qingying's face and was indifferent. He couldn't help but stunned. He suddenly frowned and looked painfully: "Sister Qing, I have a pain in my body, I am dying..."

The stinky boy is still here? !

Ye Qing's hands clasped the chest: "You have watched all over the body, it's very good."

"Well?" Jiang Shaobai did not respond to Ye Qingyi's words for a while.

The White Tiger was obviously not interested in carrying such a cumbersome wake-up, and when he shook his body, he shook the three people on his back.

Jiang Shaobai snorted, and his **** fell to the ground, and the clothes wrapped around him fell into the ground, and instantly became a red strip...

When the cold wind blows, Jiang Shaobai is completely awake. He looks at his unsettled self and looks at Ye Qingyu, who is unhappy.

"..." The smog, what about his clothes? !

The smile on Jiang Shaobai's face was a little stretched.

When he was seen by Ye Qingyi in his bathing, he could also lick his own stunting, but this time... he was seen by Ye Qingyi.

Even if it is not well developed... What should a woman have to do... it is still clear.

(End of this chapter)

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