Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1877: Chasing troops (2)

Chapter 1877 Chasing (2)

On the girl's face, there was a panic that had never happened before. She hurriedly let the guards help her brother into the Crystal Palace, and the Fu Emirate on the side was very ugly.

However, a bodyguard apparently knew the rules of the Crystal Palace. Even if he was injured, he also sent the well-prepared diamonds to the hands of Fu Emirates.

Fu Emirates has padded the amount and is satisfied, so there is nothing to say.

The guards helped the faint man to the side, and the girl was kneeling beside the man, her face full of tension.

"What the **** is going on? How can my brother suffer such a serious injury?" The girl was surprised and scared.

The few guards honestly explained the ins and outs.

Ye Qingying, who was on the side, understood everything.

It turned out that this girl and Long Yi were the secrets that entered with her brother and these guards. The way they entered the secrets was different from that of Ye Qingyi. They did not enter at the entrance of the secrets, but used a special method. Forcibly found another entrance to the secret, and sneaked in directly.

Because of this, after entering the secret, the girl and the dragon, she and her brother and others scattered.

Under the lead of Long Yi, the girl successfully found the Crystal Palace, and her brother was not so lucky. Not only did she lose her way in the chaos, but... they seemed to have suffered an enemy in the secret.

Without any precautions, the losses are heavy.

"How do they know that we are in the secret? Who leaked the news?" After the girl heard the consequences, her face was instantly ugly.

This time I entered the secret to find the nine aunts, but only a few people in the family know, but this news, how did it reach the other's ears?

"We are also not sure. When the young master discovered them, they have entered the secret. The young master said that they are likely to follow us all the time. After we entered the secret, we followed directly." The guards looked ugly. .

The girl’s fists clenched. “It’s a good poisonous valley. If my brother has something, my dragon will not endure with them!”

Ye Qingying, who was on the side, couldn’t help but hear the words of Wan Duo Gu.

Wan Duogu, that is a big force in the second domain, and its powers are regarded as poisonous emperors by the second domain...

Ye Qingqi did not know, this is the name of the little Shantou, who is related to Wanduo Valley, but Ye Qingyi’s understanding of Wanduo Valley.

Wanduo Valley can be said to be a group of people who are mad and mad. This force is very good at poisoning, and it is hard to prevent. It can be said to be a very difficult opponent.

It is in the second domain, and there are not many forces that will easily provoke Van Gogh.

The strong is still good to deal with, but the use of poisonous people is hard to prevent.

Hearing a certain force in the second domain, only because he offended the venomous valley, overnight, the whole force up and down, all of them were poisonous and died, no one was spared, and no one can find the poison What kind of methods did the people in the valley use when they were poisoned?

"You have used this medicine, I am running out, still you." Ye Qingyi looked at the anxious face of Long Yao and returned the healing medicine of the dragon.

Long Yan looked at Ye Qingyi and said nothing. He just smeared the medicine on her brother's wound.

After a short while, the woke up Bai Lixi and others also embarked on the Crystal Palace. They are planning to convince Ye Qingyi. Today they also went out to earn a spiritual drill. The result was notified by the Emirates. Ye Qingyi has already paid. Today, I have a drill, they don’t have to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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