Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1889: Emperor Jiuyi (2)

Chapter 1889 Emperor Jiuyi (2)

"I naturally know this, otherwise you think I have to waste time here?" Liu Rusu said.

Liu Yanran smiled. "The sister is naturally intelligent and thoughtful, and everything goes well."

Liu Rusu still wants to say something, but the door of the Crystal Palace suddenly opened, and the eyes of Liu Rusu and others immediately looked at it.

"Dragon, do you dare to show up?" Liu Rusu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the dragons and other people who came out of the door.

Long Xiao smiled and said: "Why don't I dare?"

"The dog of the family, if you are shackled, I may let you suffer less." Liu Rusu said.

Standing next to the dragon, Long Yao looked at Liu Rusu's gesture, his face suddenly sullen, and he wanted to shoot, but he was stunned by the dragon.

"Is it awkward? You are afraid of thinking more." Long Xiao smiled.

Liu Rusu’s eyes were slightly picked up, and the current shot was ready to take down the dragon.

However, at the moment when Liu Rusu shot, a laughing voice suddenly sounded from the Crystal Palace.

"How did Liu Ruofeng teach you guys who don't know the rules?"

The moment of the sound, a touch of shadow slowly came out of the door.

Liu Rusu, who wants to take the shot, has a slight footstep when he hears the words "Lioruo Feng".

Liu Ruofeng, that is the name of Liu Rusu and Liu Yuran, the master of the poisonous king of Wanpo Valley.

"Who are you, dare to call my master's name!" Liu Rusu said coldly.

I saw that a woman who looked like a city was slowly coming out of the door of the Crystal Palace.

Only one glance, but let Liu Rusu squatting in the same place.

Liu Rusu looked at the stunning woman who came out of the Crystal Palace and could hardly believe her eyes.

Before Liu Rusu entered the Wanxue Valley, Emperor Jiuyi had disappeared from the second domain. All the things about Emperor Jiuyi were heard from Master Liu Ruofeng. Liu Rusu once saw it hanging in his own eyes. In the master's study, the portrait of Emperor Jiuyi.

"Imperial Jiu??" Rao is a cold as Liu Rusu, and when he saw the "Emperor of the Emperor", he could not help but hold it.

Ye Qing, who looked at the appearance of Emperor Jiuyi, calmly looked at the people in the poisonous valley in front of her eyes. Fortunately, she pretended to be a shadow lord before her, and she was familiar with the momentum and posture of the strong.

Her eyes were swept away from the body of Long Yao and others, and the corners of her mouth were filled with a touch of elegance.

"Sister, she is... Emperor Jiuyi?" Liu Yanran is a little younger, so he knows less about Emperor Jiuyi.

Liu Rusu’s face could not help but sink. The purpose of their coming came was to find Emperor Jiuyi, but... she intended to control the whereabouts of Emperor Jiuyi in a step by step. So that the Emperor Jiuyi will vote for the rat.


Liu Rusu never imagined that they had already found the long-lost Emperor Jiuyi.

"Is it a fake? The Emperor Jiuyi disappeared for so long. How could Longyan find them so easily? Besides... The sister does not think that the timing of the Emperor Jiuzheng is too coincidental?" Liu Yanran whispered.

Emperor Jiuyi’s strength is extremely strong. Before she disappeared, she could already crush the masters of her peers. It is only because of them that they are not the opponents of Emperor Jiuyi.

Liu Rusu's eyes flashed with a stream of light, and then the coldness on his face was replaced by a smile. She suddenly stepped forward and said: "The younger Liu Rusu has seen the predecessors of the emperor and heard the predecessors of the emperor. It is a good fortune of the younger generation. I am in the name of a family teacher and come to look for my predecessors."

It is true or false, try it.

(End of this chapter)

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