Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1895: Blood wash (1)

Chapter 1895 Blood Wash (1)

Ye Qingyi said that she had seen the demonization of the fat squid in the Crystal Palace with Xiaobaihu. In fact, she was not sure whether it was demonized.

"Strange, those spiritual drills are not like the life body can produce." Little white tiger.

Although it feels very strange between these diamonds and fat squid, but they have now left the secret, even if doubts can not be solved.

"How do you feel now?" Xiaobaihu looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qingyi can say that this is a sudden increase in strength. Xiaobaihu thinks this may not be a good thing.

"Support..." Ye Qing licked her chest. She slept for so long. It can be said that the drip did not enter, but the chest felt that it was strong, just like what strength was hoarding in her body, not completely absorbed. .

"Can you support it? You have absorbed so many diamonds inside, I estimate that you can't completely digest these forces for a while, and those forces that have not yet been digested should be in your body." Little white tiger.

As for the strength of Ye Qingyu’s sudden increase, one is not good, and it may be explosive if it is exploding. She can stand up to the present and it is rare.

Ye Qingyi estimates that she can absorb these forces a little bit, a large part of which is from the Shenhai in the body, or her phagocytosis helps her absorb these forces.

Although it can't be absorbed all at once, but when she comes to Japan, she can refine all of them in the future.

For Ye Qingqi, this is good news.

Ye Qingqi got up and washed it, and replaced her with a sticky dress. Jiang Shaobai gave her some food to eat, and Ye Qingyi was able to slow down.

They stayed on the island for a long time, and Bai Lixi had already left the island early in the morning.

Ye Qingyi did not intend to stay on the island for a long time, and he left the island with the white tiger of Jiang Shaobai and returned to Taiyuan Valley.

Along the way, Ye Qingqi and Jiang Shaobai quickly whip up, until they came to the Taiyuan Valley, the two of them slowed down.

"Sister Qing, you said, if I tell Jiang Yizhen, the goddess in his mind is actually a real man, you think... what reaction will he be?" Jiang Shaobai smiled.

Ye Qing is silent.

This kid is quiet on the way, it is the heart of this heart.

The two laughed and walked into the Taiyuan Valley, but on the front square of Taiyuan Valley, it was empty, and there were not even half-personal shadows.

"This is all three days, how can a cultivator not? Isn't it... the elders are in a good mood and give everyone a day off?" Jiang Shaobai swept around and it was really strange.

On weekdays, as long as the heavens are bright in the Taiyuan Valley, a large number of juveniles will be gathered in the square, and the elders will occasionally stare at them and are not allowed to be lazy.

But today, it is rare.

"Sister Qing must be tired too. It is better to go back to rest first. I still have something to report to the elders. I will go to him first." Jiang Shaobai said, he waved his hand to Ye Qingyu, and the petite figure instantly smashed. The shadow.

Ye Qingyi also feels lacking, ready to go back to the place to take a rest and then think about what he should do next.

However, after walking through the square, Ye Qingyi felt that something was wrong.

The entire Taiyuan Valley was too quiet. Except for the insects and birds, they could not hear any other sounds. Ye Qingyi walked for a while and did not see a person.

(End of this chapter)

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