Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1903: Shadow Temple (3)

Chapter 1903 Shadow Temple (3)

"Auntie..." Looking at Ye Qingyu.

"Sister..." Jiang Shaobai shivered and shivered in Ye Qing's side.

Ye Qingzhen thinks...

My brain is a little bit painful.

"The bones, he brought me back." Ye Qingyan took a deep breath and calmed his face.

"What..." The bones have been hit hard.

"This person is very important, you can't hurt him." Ye Qingyi was afraid that the bones would not be slaughtered by Jiang Shaobai. After all, Jiang Shaobai's current mind is at most two or three years old.

"It's very important..." The Bronze of the Bronze has gone backwards in two steps. A pair of arrows and a heart holding the chest and looking at Ye Qingxuan, full of complaints, is like the original match of Xiaosan Dengtang.

You are outside!

Ye Qingqi "..."

"Things are long. This person knows some information that I need, but he is hurt now, his mind is degraded. I need to cure him to get everything I need to know." Ye Qingyi will prepare in advance. The excuse said it.

The bones are still tearful and look at Ye Qingying’s "negative heart."

The face of the dying is as usual, just looking at everything with a cold eye, and blinking his eyes when he saw the appearance of Jiang Shaobai’s stupidity.

The bones still want to open, but the coldness is cold: "Hugh to be a mess."

Looking at his brother, his eyes are full of unwillingness.

"The Lord is doing things, and she has her own reason. If you are so entangled, I will shut you up again." The cold and cold mouth.

The bones are completely paralyzed.

Looking at Ye Qingyu's slimy Jiang Shaobai, the bones are not willing to be locked up at this time.

In the face of the calmness of the death, Ye Qingyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"He is not hurt, you are looking for someone to help him see if he can heal." Ye Qingyi said to the death.

"Yes." Mind nodded.

Ye Qingyi wanted to give Jiang Shaobai to the blood floating belt for treatment, but Jiang Shaobai was extremely frightened at the moment and he was not willing to leave Ye Qingqi half-step.

When I opened it a little, I cried out like a child.

That looks like it, seeing Ye Qing’s heart is very powerful.

She would rather have Jiang Shaobai as lazy as she used to, and she doesn't want to see him lose his mind.

"But, wait for people to go to my room to heal." Ye Qing can not bear to see Jiang Shaobai like this, anyway, they do not know what the origin of Jiang Shaobai, she only said that he is an important clue.

When Ye Qing’s words came out, the eyes of the bones spurted out of the fire.

"No! No! No! He can't live with the aunt!"

The cold breeze sweeps over and the bones are succumbed to the ball.

Ye Qingxi was crying and laughing, but after explaining some things for a while, she took Jiang Shaobai back to the room to rest.

The tears of the bones followed, and when Jiang Shaobai entered the room of Ye Qingyu, a small fangs and a squeaking sound.

Jiang Shaobai was not hurt, and he did not fully recuperate before. With the scare of the bones, he fell on the bed and soon went to sleep.

Ye Qingyi called the death.

"Death, you go check it for me." Ye Qing said.

"The Lord commanded."

"To investigate, during this time, the ancient ancients above the Central Plains can have any similarities. If anything is found, tell me immediately." Ye Qingyi did not directly name Jiang, but did not want to expose too much.

(End of this chapter)

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