Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1918: Chaos Spirit (3)

Chapter 1918 The Spirit of Chaos (3)

"..." Ye Qingxi.

Shadow Mount of the Lord?

How has she never heard of it? !

On the side of the dying, when I heard the name of the Emperor, the brow was not wrinkled.

"No." In the dead.

“Why?” The ancients were incomprehensible.

The Shadow Lord does not want to personally shoot, send a mount, no problem?

In the dead: "The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was sealed by the Lord as early as 10,000 years ago."

Everyone heard aloud.

It is no wonder that in the battles between the second and the last years, I have never seen the figure of Emperor, was it... was it sealed by the shadow Lord?

Everyone looked at Ye Qingying's gaze and became more and more emotional.

I think that Emperor of the Emperor is the central continent that came with the Shadow Lord. When I first appeared, I could wait for the horror. It was almost unbeatable. In the rumor, its strength was almost in harmony with the Shadow Lord.

These powerful and horrible mounts are placed in any ancient tribe, and they are carefully cultivated.

Can the shadow of the Lord be good, so to seal such a powerful combat power?

It really is……

"The rich atmosphere"!

Ye Qingwei: "..."

Does she even know what the Emperor is?

"You, I will think about it again, I can wait for my shadow temple to live for a day now." Ye Qingyi knows to continue this way, fearing that these patriarchs still have to hold her, and the ducks are on the shelves, and now At the time of this topic, the finale was lost.

The people did not get the approval of Ye Qingqi, but they did not listen to Ye Qingyi’s direct rejection. Finally, there was still some hope. They would not add to Ye Qingyu at this moment, and they would have to retreat for a while.

Ye Qingying’s heart is choppy and listens to the meaning of the ancient tribes. In front of the boy, they have nothing to fight back.

Continuing this way, the situation is really going to evolve into what they say.

Ye Qingyi went back to the room, thinking about it in her heart. She suddenly remembered something and took out the long-lasting stone.

After entering the curse of the curse, the sound stone did not work, and she was forgotten about it.

At this moment, seeing the familiar phonic stone, Ye Qingyi immediately tried to contact someone opposite.

"Ling Yan."

The sound stone was calm, and when Ye Qingyi thought that the sound stone was completely abolished, the long-lost voice finally sounded again.

"Ye girl, finally missed me?"

Ye Qingwei: "..."

"I haven't seen Ye girl for a long time. I have to think that the girl will be forgotten." The voice of Ling Yan reveals a smile.

"Don't make trouble, there are some accidents, and it's a long story, but I have a more important thing now, I want to ask you." Ye Qingyi always felt that Ling Yan's understanding of the Shadow Temple was beyond ordinary people.

"Well? What do you want to ask Ye girl?" The voice of Ling Yan took a hint of laziness.

"Do you know that the Shadow Lord has a mount?" Ye Qing's thoughts fell on the seal of the Emperor, and if the Emperor was as powerful as the ancients, it might be able to use One use.

"You mean the Emperor."

"Yes! You really know." Ye Qingyi was slightly happy.

"Things that Ye girl wants to know are not known at the bottom, and they will try to let themselves know." Ling Yan laughed.

"..." Ye Qingxi.

Can you be serious?

"How much do you know about the Emperor? Tell me about it." Ye Qing said.


[Friendly recommendation] Banana does not take: "Quickly wear Su Shiji: male god, one!" 》

(End of this chapter)

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