Chapter 1921 Emperor (3)

Behind the stone gate is a great space.

If Ye Qingqi did not go down all the way, she was afraid that she could not imagine that in the underground, she could open up such a vast area.

Ye Qingzhen thought that the shadow of the Lord will seal the Emperor, it must be dissatisfied, but looking at the vast land of seals in front of her eyes, Ye Qingyi vaguely felt that the Shadow Lord may not really hate the Emperor.

Otherwise, why bother to create the seal of the Emperor?

Ye Qingxi walked for a while, and in the dark, she heard a heavy breathing.

The sound was like a gust of wind, and Ye Qing’s clothes grew long and swayed.

"What are you doing here?" A low, heavy voice was like a thunder in the ear of Ye Qingying.

Ye Qingying's eardrum was shocked by the shock, and the subconsciously looked at the source of the sound.

In the dim, she vaguely saw a pair of huge red-red eyes, through the dimly surrounded, faintly looked at her.

Ye Qingying’s gaze slowly followed the eyes.

In the darkness, a giant dragon-shaped creature is in the darkness.

"Mo Mo, when do you want to shut me down?" The dragon made a cry of anger, kept the suppression of tens of thousands of years, was sealed in this dark place, and it had already had enough.

Mo Zhen?

Ye Qingyi gave a slight glimpse, and immediately remembered the name of the sacred Lord of the Shadow.


Mo Zhen, is it the real name of the Shadow Lord?

Ye Qing's thoughts flew quickly, and looked at the big picture hidden in the darkness in front of her eyes, and stabilized her mind.

"The Emperor."

"Oh." The dragon sent out a cold-hearted look, and the red eyes were slightly picked up, full of dangerous taste.

It’s gonna be very good.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the reaction of Emperor, and he also knew from the toes that the dissatisfaction of the Emperor to the Shadow Lord was huge, but... the reason why Ye Qingyu dared to come over and knew that the strength of the Emperor was suppressed. Outside.

Still betting on the feelings between the Emperor and the Shadow Lord.

With the strength of the Emperor, if it is as horrible as the rumors.

It is absolutely unnecessary to be accompanied by the Shadow Lord. If it is a conflict, it can go away, not always argue with the Shadow Lord.

Ye Qingzhen thinks...

The feelings between the Emperor and the Shadow Lord may be deeper than those imagined by outsiders.

With this in mind, Ye Qing’s eyes turned, and a sigh of relief appeared on the surface.

"The Emperor, I am wrong."

The original anger of the Emperor, suddenly heard Ye Qingyi's apology, could not help but glimpse.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Qingxi secretly squeezed a thigh, and her face became more and more sad. She looked up slightly and looked at the emperor: "I used to think that I was right, but now, after more than 10,000 years, I realized that perhaps your original idea was correct."

The Emperor stunned.

What did it hear?

"You said that I am correct?" The Emperor's eyes subtly reached the extreme.

"Yes." Ye Qingyi nodded.

The original cool and cool Emperor, the eyes suddenly smashed up, and this time, it was scattered in the eyes of the former fierce, as if laughing.

"Mo Mo, you finally understand!"

"Yes, I am correct, what is gradual, what **** strategy, in the face of absolute strength, are shit! Mo Zhen, you finally got smart!"

(End of this chapter)

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