Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1938: Behind the scenes black hand (2)

Chapter 1938 Behind the Scenes Black Hand (2)

No one recognizes this totem, and the clue is interrupted again.

Ye Qingying sighed in her heart, but she was ready to let people examine the bodies of the two men.

An elderly person of an ancient family suddenly said:

"The Lord, this totem, looks a little weird."

Ye Qingyi had a slight meal.


The elders couldn’t say for a moment, just took a pen and paper, printed the totem, and then added a few more to the totem.

With the increasing number of figures on the old man's price, the eyes of everyone have changed.

"This is... the clan of the ancient family?" A patriarch stared at the totem that was drawn completely, and his eyes widened strangely.

"It should be true. I used to be familiar with the picture, but I could not find the same. Later, I felt that this totem looks somewhat similar to some places in the ancient clan." The elders said.

"I have heard before that the ancient family of the Afghan had confined a group of dead soldiers in the dark. Those people were teenagers who had been searched from various groups of the ancient family of the ancients. I heard that the qualifications of those teenagers were very good. The ancient family of the family brought to a place where they were not known, and even their parents did not know where they went..." Another ancient clan frowned.

It is a well-known thing that the ancient ancients secretly cultivate their forces. Most of this part of the power is kept in the dark. When it is raised, it will be selected for the family.

Many ancient people, when cultivating these children, will leave special marks on them and cast a curse. Once these people want to betray, they will immediately be countered.

After all, the ancients have spent a great deal of energy on cultivating them. If they are traitors, it will be a huge loss.

"Don't it be said that these two teenagers are the dead soldiers of the ancient family of the Aged? They came to **** our chaotic fragments, which is the meaning of the ancient family?"

This speculation made everyone in the room stupid.

“How is it possible? How can the ancients of the Hessian culture be cultivated so strong?”

The strengths of the ancient tribes are similar. If the ancients of the ancients can be cultivated, it is enough for one to destroy a strong man of the ancients, which makes them hard to believe.

What's more, the two teenagers are not old enough to look like teenagers. Even if they are singular, they can't develop such a powerful force in such a short period of time.

For a time, everyone said different things.

Only Ye Qingying’s face suddenly became extremely deep.

The ancient family of You...

Others may not be able to believe that the ancient Ageds will become so powerful in such a short period of time.

But how can Ye Qingyi not know!

All of this is because of the small clouds.

In the first continent, the ancient family of the Abyss took away a small cloud, how powerful is the Shenyun of the small cloud?

In connection with the strange behavior of the ancient family on the Central Plains, and the totems of the two men, Ye Qingxuan can almost conclude that all this is what the ancients of the Qing Dynasty!

"No need to guess." Ye Qing suddenly said.

"The Lord?" The people looked at Ye Qingyu puzzled.

"All this is what the ancients of the Qing Dynasty did." Ye Qing said.

"But..." Many people of the ancients still felt unreasonable.

Ye Qingyi interrupted their words and continued: "You think carefully about the behavior of the ancient Gus in recent times."

(End of this chapter)

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