Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1958: Return to the country (3)

Chapter 1958 is returned to the country (3)

Ye Qingying looked at the look of the faces of all ethnic groups, and there was probably speculation in his heart.

They handed over to the ancient family of the Aged. Whether they can live or not is a problem. Even if they can live, they can only become slaves of the ancient family of the Aged.

The Wannian ancients have fallen to this point. Why do they face the ancestors and why they face the ancient characters.

This is probably the last limit of the ancients.

In fact, the attitudes of the ancient Gus are also very obvious. They secretly let the teenagers shoot and slaughter the ancient tribes, one is to **** the fragments of chaos. Secondly, Ye Qingyi feels that they are like this. The ancients on the mainland, as the test stones of those teenagers.

Otherwise, it is not a problem to use the ancients of the ancient family to show their strength and let other ancients hand over things.

Don't send people to blood wash at all...

Obviously, the ancient Gus did not put these ancients in their eyes, and they killed them when they killed them.

They want them, they want them.

"The Lord, my family will also give the spirit of chaos to the Lord." Other ancient people saw someone take their heads, and they all immediately expressed their views.

It is useless to keep this thing, but it can only attract the murder of life. Nowadays, it is only the Shadow Temple that can compete with the ancients of the celestial family. It is better to give things to the Shadow Temple, and they can sell them.

A group of old foxes are counted everywhere.

Ye Qingyi did not expect that things would develop to this point.

In a short while, the ancient ancients even handed the chaotic fragments to the hands of Ye Qingyi.

In the Temple of Shadows, there are twenty or thirty ancient nationalities. These ancients, without exception, handed the fragments of Chaos to Ye Qingyi.

Suddenly, Ye Qingyan had a pile of chaotic spirits that were urgently needed by the ancient Gus.

Ye Qingwei: "..."

It’s hard to ride a tiger! !

She hasn't figured out how to deal with the ancient family of the Shi's family. Nowadays, so many ancient people are loyal and eager to make a request. If Ye Qingyi wants to be a shopkeeper, he can't do it.


After seeing the current small snowfall, Ye Qingyi’s desire to recapture the small clouds and small snowfall is even more urgent.

Ye Qingyi took up the fragments of the chaotic spirit and battled with the ancient Gus. It was difficult to escape. She needed more power.

After settled in the mood of the various ethnic groups, Ye Qingyi turned to see the Jiang family who were rescued.

The domain king's injury is not light, although it has saved his life, but the whole person seems to be old in an instant, the surface is covered with wrinkles.

Jiang Lang and Jiang Xun’s injuries are not heavy. People are already awake. At this moment, they are guarding the king’s bed, watching the king of the face, and the face is ugly.

When Ye Qingqi entered the door with a mask, Jiang Xunzhen secretly wiped his tears.

After seeing Ye Qingyu come in, Jiang Xun and Jiang Lang immediately stood up and cramped the "Dark Lord of the Lord" who was unfathomable in front of his strength.

"I have seen the Lord, the Lord and the Great, and Jiang Lang has no teeth to forget!" Jiang Lang saw Ye Qingyi, thankful.

Although he was in a coma, he woke up and learned everything that happened from the mouth of the king.

If there is no "Shadow Lord", I am afraid that the three of them will be accounted for in the hands of the ancient family.

Ye Qingzhen looked at the intact Jiang Lang, and the boulder hanging in her heart finally landed. Her eyes flashed a warm smile, and then she resumed the calmness of the Shadow Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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