Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1981: Red League (5)

Chapter 1981, Red League (5)

"After all, I used to be a member of the Red League. I have already fulfilled my responsibility for reminding me. As for the others, I have nothing to do with me." Ye Qingyi fell into the generous opening, but his eyes narrowly swept those few in them. A small white ball that was skipped by the side.

After a few white **** landed in Ye Qingying's voice, they immediately went to the cave where the demon fox was.

The two kings did not notice the movement of these little guys.

However, after seeing the few white **** breaking into the cave, Ye Qingying showed a shallow smile on the bottom of his eyes.

Snow complaints...

A semi-physical grievance unique to the demon family is almost invisible in the first domain, but is very famous in the second domain.

Ye Qingyi has never seen snow grievances in his previous life. He has only heard some descriptions about snow grievances. He knows that such grievances will be controlled by the shaman's shaman.

Ye Qingyi didn't think much at first, but when she saw the three sparks of the demon fox, she realized that the fox was a shaman of the demon.

The former fox also said that he was very clear about what happened on the Central Continent. He wanted to come to these news, that is, he controlled these snow grievances.

Under the control of the priests, the snow blame can be turned into various animals and hidden on the mainland. Without careful observation, they cannot see their camouflage.

Before Ye Qingyan walked out of the cave, she found that these snow blame seemed to be around her. She only deliberately said what the two kings had said, and they had already been sent to the fox by those snow blame. Shaman's ears.

Ye Qingying saw that the effect she had wanted had been reached. At the moment, she did not stay in the abyss of the frost for a long time. She took the two kings directly and cleanly, and sat down on the behavior that she was just kindly reminded.

Sure enough, after Ye Qingyi and others had just left the abyss of frost, the foxes in the cave got news from the mouths of the snow blame.

The narrow eyes of the fox slid slightly, although he only sneered at what Ye Qingyi said, but after Ye Qingyi left, he fell into deep thought.

After a while, the fox turned and walked in front of a huge ice mirror. He raised his hand slightly, and there were countless different lights in the ice mirror.

In an instant, a figure appeared behind the ice mirror.

When the demon fox saw the figure, he immediately bowed and bowed.

"I have seen the high priest."

"What?" There was a low voice in the ice mirror.

The demon fox slowly came here before the shadow temple, and told the ancients of the ancient family to say it.

The one opposite the ice mirror was silent for a moment:

"How much do you know about the things of the ancient family?"

Although the Red League has placed messengers on several continents in the first domain, it is very disdainful to the inferior martial arts civilization in the first domain.

"The ancient people of this time, the strength of the ancient people is soaring, and ... the subordinates of the shadow of the Lord mentioned the fragments of chaos, the ancient family seems to be collecting the things."

The figure in the ice mirror was slightly silent for a moment and said: "I will send people to the central mainland to see one or two."

"Yes." The fox whispered.

If the shadow of the Lord is true, then the ancient family must be removed first, but if it is false, the Shadow Temple is to use the knife of the Red League to remove the enemy, then the Shadow Temple will become the Red League. The goal of chasing.

(End of this chapter)

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