Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2280: Shotgun change (1)

Chapter 2280 Shotgun Replacement (1)

When he walked out of the secret room and returned to the passage, Ye Qingxi discovered it.

The crack that entered the Chamber of Secrets disappeared. Standing in front of her eyes was a complete wall.

Is the breach restored?

Ye Qingyi gave a slight glimpse and subconsciously reached out.

As a result, her hand went straight through the wall.

Ye Qingzhen suddenly understood.

"It is no wonder that the black snake can't see me like it. It turned out that this secret room still has such an illusion." Ye Qing's eyes looked slightly on the ground, and there was a pile of broken stones on the ground.

The illusion of the restoration of the wall should be the role of the law in the Chamber of Secrets.

After figuring out everything, Ye Qingyi went straight out from the exit.

At the time of sight recovery, Ye Qingyu had already appeared outside the entrance.

She found that there were still many people outside the entrance.

Only those people are from all major forces and are entering the mausoleum. Their minds are concentrated in the mausoleum. Naturally, no one has suddenly found a Ye Qing.

Ye Qingxuan knows that the mausoleum is dangerous, but even if she informs everyone in the tomb, I am afraid that they will not believe it. Instead, she will doubt that she has ulterior motives and may directly obliterate her...

Ye Qingyi quietly left when everyone did not pay attention.

Soon, I returned to the camp with the night soul beast.

At the moment...

Thunder and others looked awkward, and the faces of several teenagers were covered with dust and dirt.

"Where is the boss going? How long has it been, how can she not come back? Is it going to happen?" Thunder’s frustrated opening.

Since Da Ye Qing Yu told them that after going to do something, they disappeared and have not returned.

At first, several teenagers still felt nothing.

But as time went by, they were a little worried.

Nan Gonglie’s direct slap in the face of the Thunder’s head.

"Don't the crow's mouth, what's the boss? That's the night soul beast as the cat's owner. What can she do? Don't guess."

Although Nangong Lie said this on his mouth, there are some drums in his heart.

They had planned to go to Ye Qingyi, but the forces that entered the evil spirits of this time were more and more. With the past experience of the animal, they did not dare to run.

Although their boss's strength is weaker than them, they don't know why, they all have a sense of conviction for the boss.

Especially after experiencing the tomb of the Devil, I always felt that there was nothing that would make it difficult for them to be boss.

The expressions of Yunxiao and Qin Feng on the side are not easy.

Ye Qingyu’s delay has not returned, leaving the hearts of this group of teenagers dead.

Unconsciously, they seem to have turned Ye Qing as a spiritual leader.

They have been rejected by the entire college, and only Ye Qingyi, did not choose to give up the waste in the eyes of their group of people.

"Cough, don't say this, I said Qin Feng, your strength has soared recently, I see if you are about to break through the realm of God?" Nan Gong Lie turned a topic.

Qin Feng stunned and nodded.

"Up to half a month."

Nangong Lie took a breath of air.

"Oh, it’s amazing for my brother!"

Qin Feng did not speak.

His strength has been going backwards, even he himself gave up, but did not expect that under the guidance of Ye Qingyi, he actually regained his ascension.

The power that had been retrogressive began to rise sharply.

He was already about to enter the realm of God at the beginning, and now he is rising back, naturally faster than others.

(End of this chapter)

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