Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2438: Conspiracy (1)

Chapter 2438 Conspiracy (1)

After thinking about the situation inside the crying well, the vice president let Luo Sheng bring all these things in.

At the moment, Ye Qingyi took things that Luo Sheng and others brought in, and did not return, and strode away.

There is a crisis in the crying well, and every second is likely to usher in a robbery. Ye Qingqi has no time and conditions to go to Luosheng and others.

As a matter of urgency, I still find some of her students.

However, Ye Qingying has already made the worst preparations in his heart.

When she was sucked away by the power of the gods, she faced the super-level monster.

What happened after he left, Ye Qingyi did not know, and did not dare to think deeply.

In terms of the strength of Nangong Lie and Qin Feng and others, in the face of super-level monsters, there is no such thing as a backhand.

However, Ye Qingyi vaguely remembers that at the last moment, Nangong Lie and Thunder and others seem to have some distance from the super-level monsters. If they choose to escape at the first time, although the chance of escape is very embarrassing, it is not equivalent. At zero.


Ye Qingyi has been wandering for two days in the crying well. In these two days, every minute and a second is looking for the whereabouts of Shepherd and others.

Students want to see people, die when they see the body, no body, Ye Qingyi will not give up.

Yesterday evening, Ye Qingyi had found her final disappearance. She did not find the bodies of his students. Even the bodies of Lu Yixiang and Feixing College were not seen.

Even if it is really destroyed in the hands of the super-level monster, you can't see a trace of traces, it is the body, and it should be left.

However, this day's search, but there is still no news of Thunder and Qin Feng.

In the cries of the crying, Ye Qingyu was like a thin ice, and he saw the instructors of several other colleges being destroyed by the super-level monsters.


At night, it was a bit cold and surrounded by suffocating oppression.

Ye Qingying sat on a towering giant tree and looked around and far away.

Every time at night, those super-level monsters are more frequent, and the earth is shaking from time to time, as if in the depths of the earth, there is an unforeseen horror.

"The bottom of the earth, is there anything..."

After Ye Qing squeezed her eyebrows, she looked toward the ground.

The vibration frequency of the earth is getting faster and faster, which is obviously different from the previous two days.

Moreover, those super-level monsters seem to come out from the ground, there must be a great connection between the two.

Also, the mysterious woman I saw from the ice illusion in the first two days.

Ye Qingyu is stupid again. From these related information, he can also guess that there is something unusual in the well of crying.

"Is it true that the appearance of those super-level monsters is artificial..."

Ye Qing’s brows were slightly stunned. If thoughts were thoughtful, the woman I saw in the ice illusion land appeared in my mind.

Those who entered the crying well were insignificant compared to those super-level monsters.

What Ye Qing can't understand is that if the woman can really control the super-level monsters, it is necessary to design the students and tutors of the major colleges to enter the crying well. What is the purpose of her doing this?

It is clear that there is a crushing force, but it is necessary to use these small means of wasting time...

Or, those super-level monsters are not controlled by women.

(End of this chapter)

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