Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2458: Take you to the New World (4)

Chapter 2458 takes you to the New World (4)

The rhubarb dog shook his tail, sniffed the air, and glanced at the crowds who were cheering: "I said... Are you excited too much, come and sniff the air here."

"What do you mean." Clouds are full of puzzles.

Ye Qingyi could not help but help these people are really unresponsive.

"You don't think that the quality of the aura here is very high." Suddenly, Ye Qing, who has never spoken, said.

I heard the sound, everyone has some feelings.

Before I was too excited and excited because of my escape, I could think so much.

"Ye Qingying's mentor... The quality of the aura here... is too high!" Lu Yuxiang was shocked. He had never felt such a rich and high-quality aura in his life.

It is the top aura of the college that has cost a lot of money to enter, not as much as one thousandth here!

"This... this is a great place to practice!!" The instructor of the Flying Star Academy, except for the shock, is left with ecstasy.

If you let him practice here for a while, he will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck that has not broken through in seven or eight years!

What a fairy place this is!

Ye Qing’s mouth twitched slightly, and he still didn’t recognize the reality.

Not waiting for Ye Qingxuan to continue to say something, but in the distance is a sound of killing.

At the moment, Ye Qingyi turned and found.

Lu Yuxiang and the instructors of the Flying Star Academy, as well as the students, did not say anything, immediately followed Ye Qingyi.

After a while, Ye Qingyi came to a small hill and carefully looked out his head and looked down.

Lu Yuxiang and the instructors of the Flying Star Academy, and so on, all have the same kind of learning, and also learned that Ye Qingyan carefully looked out his head.

"what is that?"

Lu Yuxiang stared at the scuffle of hundreds of demons, his body suddenly trembled.

He has never seen such a scene in his life.

The breath of the aliens is suffocating, and some are even more terrible than the super-impact monsters in the crying well!

Super-level monsters, strictly speaking, are just about to surpass the bottleneck of the imperial level and achieve the achievement of the emperor.

And the aliens at the moment have even a real sense of emperor, and these breaths are even more ancient and shocking!

"Those are demons..."

Ye Qingyi slowly opened his mouth.

"Demon?! Ye Qing mentor... You said, those aliens are... demons!" The instructor of the Flying Star Academy oozes a cold sweat.

The demon...just seen from the illustrations, none of them have seen the real demon.

This is the first time I saw it. It is such a big battle.

"Then, how are there still people?" Lu Yuxiang was puzzled.

Indeed, among the demons, there are human figures.

Ye Qingyi smiled slightly: "It is not a person, it is a demon with a human skin."

As Ye Qing’s voice fell, everyone in the room took a breath.

Covered with human skin?

"The demon is the most gratifying skin. When you see humans, you will peel off the human skin and put it on your body." Ye Qing said.

Until now, everyone is aware of what happened.

No wonder the aura here is so rich, the quality is so high, which is what the outside world!

They are still complacent, but now they are stupid.

This is clearly a wolf hole, but also a tiger's mouth...

With their strength, aren't they all going to be smashed by those demons?

"Boss, I want to ask, how come back to the palace just now, I have something in the palace, I want to go back and take it." Thunder looked at Ye Qingyi seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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