Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2502: The devil of the 01091 underground (12)

Chapter 2502 Chapter 01091 The Devil of the Earth (12)

"I still find a kennel to stay..." The big yellow dog squatted around.

However, Ye Qingyi took the big yellow dog up and left the place with the **** elders.

"Saint, you run slower, I can't keep up now." The **** elders have been panting without going far, and now the new body, compared with the original, is too weak.

Seeing the situation, Ye Qingyi was quite helpless. She could only slow down the speed, and took the arm of the **** elders and ran with the **** elders.

After about half an hour, Ye Qingyan came to the depths of the jungle with the **** elders and the big yellow dog.

Although Ye Qingyi did not know what kind of rituals were being held by the old people in the mouth of the rhubarb dog, at this stage, the group of old people should not be able to deal with them.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Qingyi must restore some of the power to communicate with Shen Hai as soon as possible.

Nowadays, the more the communication power with Shenhai, the more favorable it is to Ye Qingxuan. Even if it is really in a desperate situation, she can enter the Shenhai Sea, at least in a short time. There is a danger to life.

"You found that there were no monsters in the past, and it seems that they are gone." The rhubarb shook his tail and opened his mouth toward Ye Qingying.

I heard that the big yellow dog said that Ye Qingyi was thoughtful, as if it was true.

As early as in the crying well, the super-impact monsters that broke out from the ground, but the shadows have not been seen on this road.

"Maybe we are lucky, not hit." Ye Qingyi silent for a moment, out of the channel.

"It shouldn't be what you think." The big yellow dog shook his head. "I can remember the smell of those guys. The breath has completely disappeared. In fact, it can't be said to disappear. To be precise, it is All the breath is in one place, and it has a great sublimation..."

"What do you mean, those super-level monsters... have become a kind of liquid?" Ye Qing's brows are slightly stunned.

In this regard, the rhubarb dog did not deny it, at least in its view, it is indeed true.

"Super-level monster?" The **** elders look a little ugly, he just recovered, even if you want to experience these, can you let him live a good two days first.

As soon as he came up, his heart was really unbearable.

The group of old people in the mouth of the rhubarb dog said that they would resurrect a big man. The so-called big man should be in the well of crying. All the dead people before, and those super-prestige monsters with great horror, should all become Resuscitate the big man's fluid.

Ye Qing’s heart raised a hint of ominous premonition, what kind of character is it...

"The saint, we have to find a way to go out, I feel that I have stayed here, we must finish." On the side, the **** month is old and worried, and he will not just recover, he will die again.

He didn't want to die inexplicably. At the very least, when he was in the first domain, he was dead and strong, and he was free and easy. This time, he didn't even understand the whole story.

At the moment, Ye Qing glanced at the **** elders.

If she can go out, she will go out early and wait until this moment.

"Don't worry, there is me." After a long time, Ye Qingyi said slowly.

Just as Ye Qingyu spoke, the sounds of the rumbling sounds of the "rumbling rumbling" came from the distant peaks. Soon, even the ground began to vibrate.

(End of this chapter)

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