Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2550: No. 01139 Longdi ancients (10)

Chapter 2550 Chapter 01139 Longdi Ancients (10)

"Oh, Miss Ye does not have to worry about it. Since she came to the Longdi ancient family, she would rest for a few more days." The middle-aged man stared at Ye Qingyi and smiled softly.

Ye Qingqi originally wanted to say something. After a few moments of contemplation, he would not say much more. At present, there is no room for bargaining at all. Compared with saying more nonsense, it is better to close your mouth and take a step. I want to come to the super power of such a famous name as the Longdi ancients, and I will not deliberately marry a nameless junior.


After a while, the old man of Hefa waved his hand and let Ye Qingyi walk behind him and walked toward the ancient Emperor.

"Dragon, who is the woman you brought back."

A strong mountain guard stopped in front, and a pair of cold fallen on Ye Qingyi.

However, this shot, several strong defenders are a glimpse.


The appearance of Ye Qingxuan is indeed too similar to the nine princesses of the Longdi ancients. Although they are not exactly the same, the manners and manners are quite similar to those of the emperor.

"The girl's appearance with the boss is really too similar... If a pair of children who are not the boss have already found it, I really thought that this girl would be the boss's child." One of the guardians of the mountain, staring After Ye Qingyi looked at it for a long time, he said.

As the voice of the strong mountain guard fell, Ye Qing’s brow was suddenly picked up.

If she did not misunderstand it, the defending mountain strongman said that a pair of children of Emperor Jiuyi had been found by the Longdi ancients...

"Oh, Long Yao, this girl, and the nine princesses look very similar, where did you find it back." Another strongman of the mountain guard laughed.

"Open the door." The old man of Hefa had some impatience.

At the moment, several strong defenders of the mountain have joined forces to open the mountain gate, while the old man of Hefa has stepped into it with Ye Qingqi and others.

Just entering the mountain gate, Ye Qingyu saw, in the center of several huge sculptures, each sculpture is about 100 meters high, almost into the clouds.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Suddenly, one of the "sculptures" opened a big laugh, and the pair of huge scorpions looked toward the old man of the crane, and made a deafening thunder in his mouth: "Dragon, what to do."

"Official." The old man of Hefa looked up and looked at the "sculpture" and immediately said.

Hearing this statement, the "sculpture" smiled slightly and did not continue to talk.

Ye Qingying stared at the huge "sculptures" in front of him. His look was slightly different. He thought it was the sculpture facade built by the ancient Emperor of the Dragon. He did not expect it to be a living thing.

Seeing the doubts of Ye Qing’s look, the middle-aged man on the side smiled and said: “These are the guardians of the Longdi ancients.”

"Weapons?" Ye Qing's mouth is fretting. He has not seen the weapons and can speak. It looks like a giant, but the giants are bigger and cannot grow to such a degree.

"Predecessors, these should belong to the secrets of the Longdi ancients, I am just an outsider, and this said to me, it seems that some are not suitable." Soon, Ye Qingyi looked at the middle-aged man and said.

Hearing, the middle-aged man shook his head and smiled on his face: "The true secrets of the Longdi ancients, even we will not know, how can we put it outside, these are not secrets, just the most common Defense."

Hearing the middle-aged man said, Ye Qingyi could not help but sigh, this Longdi ancients is the old-fashioned power of the Sanctuary, even this is the most common defense.

(End of this chapter)

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