Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 998: : You are looking for a dead end!

The pouring and pouring lasted for a stick of incense, and the cracks in the space that were hundreds of feet long would heal automatically. This is the self-repairing ability of the Sky Continent.

"Go down with a sword and annihilate the Baizhang space, this is too scary." Lin Hao secretly surprised.

He originally thought that the physical body breaking through the space is already his limit, who knows, and the annihilation will be combined with each other, and even the space can be annihilated, reaching the space crack of a hundred meters!

Like tearing the space, there is only a small gap, one breath can automatically heal!

This trick is to annihilate Baizhang space, not a concept!

Such a terrifying force, he can't believe it himself! It can definitely contend with the power of the law!

"This sword is the sixth form of annihilating the Nine Swords, and it's called the Splitting Sword!" Lin Hao said to himself.

I don't know, when one day, his annihilation will evolve into an annihilation law, what will it be like.

Lin Hao just thought about it, and felt terrified.

The law of annihilation, is there such a law in the world?

On Lin Hao's palm, the dragon scales faded, and he felt a trace of fatigue.

It seems that this move has a very heavy load on his Shenlong body.

"Master, can you stop using the trick just now?" At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of Demon Thunder Sword.

"Why?" Lin Hao asked strangely.

"I didn't feel good for that move." The voice of Demon Thunder Sword trembled a little.

Lin Hao's pupils contracted, making his heart even more strange.

The Demon Thunder Sword is a combination of Demon Swords, will it not be able to bear it?

"Master, that move is a challenge to the rules of this plane!"

Then, Mo Lei Jian said something inexplicable, but his tone was serious.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "You won't be stupid by swallowing flying swords, right? I still have several flying swords from ancient times, do you want to swallow them?"

"Yes!" Mo Lei Jian said quickly.

"it is good!"

Lin Hao took out some worn-out flying swords from the storage ring.

The Demon Thunder Sword flew up quickly, sucking the broken swords into his body.

In the Thousand Islands waters, there are particularly many treasures in the sea. These flying swords have a history of hundreds of thousands of years. I don't know which period is left behind and mostly lost spirituality.

But it's not bad to use it as a nourishment for the Demon Thunder Sword.


Three days later.

On the side of Ningjia Island, a small boat came, and there were three middle-aged men in Taoist robes on the boat. The momentum was like the sea.


A cruise ship rushed over, and the guard stopped them.

"This is the territory of the Lone Star Gang, what are you doing?" the guard shouted.

"Your Excellency, the three of us are Fengyun Sandao. We are here to join the Lone Star Gang, please give me some face." The middle-aged three Daopao said politely.

As they said, the three of them also deliberately released their own breath, reaching the Six Tribulations real person, and the guards' faces turned pale.

"Three things!" The guard was uncertain.

He could not imagine that these three people turned out to be a famous three-person group in the Thousand Islands waters.

The reputation of their Lone Star Gang spread, and in recent days, some people have indeed come here! However, those people are basically here to eat, and they are not good enough, and they refuse to see guests!

Now, the three famous Fengyun Dao are here! These three people are all six calamities real people!

You know, the Six Tribulations of their Lone Star Gang, there are only four in total! There are only two Seven Tribulation Real Men!

Feng Yun San Dao joined forces, but even the Seven Tribulations real person can be killed!

"Three adults, please come in." The guard didn't dare to neglect, and said quickly and politely.

"it is good!"

The three middle-aged men in Taoist robes jumped up and flew towards Ningjia Island.

"Hey, I didn't expect to sneak into Ningjia Island so easily. This Lone Star Gang is not very vigilant!"

"I just want to see how sacred the leader of this Lone Star Gang is!"

The three of them whispered and landed on Ningjia Island.

But suddenly, they heard a sharp whistling sound from the right direction.

"call out!"

The Demon Thunder Sword flew by, and the heads of the three people fell to the ground.

Before the three of them died, their expressions were still smiling, and I'm afraid they didn't understand how they died.

After a few breaths, the three soul bodies floated out, looking at the demon thunder sword floating in front of them, their faces were all blank.

Why was he killed inexplicably?

"call out!"

The Demon Thunder Sword flew toward the three soul bodies, scaring them all away.


The trio's complexion changed wildly, and they flew towards the distant seashore.


The Demon Thunder Sword leaped forward and cut three times in a row, cutting all three souls into nothingness.

At this moment, Lin Hao was sitting on the beach and meditating. The Demon Thunder Sword flew back and said, "Master, the goal has been solved."

"Kill well, for this kind of person, you should kill." Lin Hao said calmly.

On each cruise ship, Lin Hao set up a surveillance array, and when the three people approached, Lin Hao noticed them.

No matter where these three people came from, or what three ways they were, Lin Hao would not accept them as a lone star gang.

Because no need!

His purpose of establishing the Lone Star Gang was not at all for development, but purely for some benefits!

No matter what real person or real monarch wants to join, he just refuses.

At this moment, in the Kunpeng Pirate Group.

The lord of Kunpeng Island looked at the three broken soul cards in his hand, trembling with anger, as if he couldn't believe it.

That's right, based on three days' time, at this time, Fengyun Sandao just arrived at Ningjia Island!

As a result, he died as soon as he went to the island! Died unclearly!

Island Master Kunpeng is sure that these three people cannot be found to be spies!

The three of them are well-known trio in the Thousand Islands waters, Fengyun Sandao, and have nothing to do with the Kunpeng Pirate Group. They were only secretly bought out a few days ago and joined the Lone Star Gang to find out the news for them.

Even the route is planned, completely indifferent to their Kunpeng pirate group!

With the strength of these three people, if you join any force at random, you will be regarded as a guest, but will be killed by the Lone Star! This is simply unreasonable!

"I am so angry! This Lone Star Gang kills even Fengyun Three Dao, are they crazy?" Kunpeng Island Master scolded angrily.

"Island will they find out that we are in collusion with Fengyun Sandao?" Sombra said humanly.

"How is this possible? They will not know the prophet?!" Kunpeng Island Master roared.

In fact, Lin Hao did not find any collusion between them and killed Feng Yun San Dao simply because he did not want to recruit people.

This also exceeded everyone's expectations!

This is not a normal gang at all!

And just an hour after Feng Yun Sandao died, a subordinate suddenly ran in.

"Island owner, something has happened!"

"What's the matter?" Kunpeng Island Master said angrily.

The subordinate trembled and said: "The Lone Star Gang...The Lone Star Gang hung the gold and silver corpses on the tower in Thousand Island City in Nakajima, and proclaimed their achievements everywhere. They also provoke us and say... You are yours. Dead end!"

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