Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1000: : Rise to fame

The owner of Kunpeng Island took a day to escape back to the Kunpeng Pirate Group.

Before he returned, the black shadow man had been sitting in front of the ancestral hall, staring at the soul card of Kunpeng Island Master.

In the previous two trials, the gold and silver double evil spirit cards burst, and the Fengyun three soul cards burst, all without warning!

He even suspected that the owner of Kunpeng Island would also die.

Fortunately, after he was worried for two days, the Island Master Kunpeng returned safely.

But when the Island Master Kunpeng came back, his whole body was wet with cold sweat, his face pale, as if he had experienced a great battle.

"Island Lord, what's the matter?" Sombra asked quickly.

"According to my order, everyone in the future must not approach the territory of the Lone Star Gang for half a step!" Kunpeng Island Master said weakly.

The black shadow man was stunned. He looked deep into the eyes of the Island Master Kunpeng, and a trace of horror flashed as if he had seen something terrible.

But he was very sensible and didn't ask much, and hurriedly said: "Yes! The subordinates will give orders!"

Thousand Islands waters, Nakajima.

Nakajima is the largest island in the entire Thousand Islands, and it is also the most peaceful and lively place.

Nakajima does not belong to any party, because it is located in the center of the Thousand Islands sea area, so it is called Nakajima.

Generally speaking, the order of Nakajima is managed by the Thousand Islands Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, there were two corpses hanging high on the tower of Nakajima, and many people passing by pointed to the corpses.

"Hehe, this is a blatant provocation, Kunpeng Island Master can actually bear it!"

"I heard that the Lord Kunpeng Island has just issued an order, and everyone is not allowed to approach the Lone Star Gang for half a step!"

"This is interesting. Isn't this Lone Star Gang a hidden master?"

"Haha! Even the owner of Kunpeng Island Counsel, this Lone Star Gang is really powerful!"

People passing by were all smiles of schadenfreude. Anyway, it didn't matter to them, some people even wished that the Kunpeng Pirate Group would be destroyed.

After the body was hung for three days, it was put away by the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce, saying that it was not well affected.

But this does not prevent everyone from talking about it, this Thousand Islands sea area has been calm for so many years, it is time to move.

In the following days, Lin Hao personally set off again, destroying Yinfeng Island, the nearest to them.

This time the campaign was surprisingly smooth.

The owner of Yinfeng Island is the Eight Tribulations True Monarch, the strongest among Lin Hao's attacks. But he heard that it was from the Lone Star Gang, and without saying anything, he agreed to join the Lone Star Gang and took the initiative to pay all his property.

As a master of true monarch, in front of Lin Hao, the owner of Yinfeng Island lowered his eyebrows and dared not even let go.

Apparently, it was also affected by the Kunpeng Pirate Group.

Even the owner of Kunpeng Island Counsel, is he a fart?

Therefore, the core address of the Lone Star Gang was moved to Yinfeng Island. After all, the environment here is better. There are still several dangerous peaks on the island, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a good place!

"Yinfeng Island Master, you lead someone to destroy the Mu Family and the Guo Family." Lin Hao ordered.


The owner of Yinfeng Island led the two teams to the nearest Guo Family and Mu Family respectively. The two families did not dare to resist and were included under the Lone Star Gang.

The Guo family has two islands, so the number of islands of the Lone Star Gang has reached ten.

In the sea area of ​​Thousand Islands, there are ten islands, all superpowers are famous everywhere. If any new force dared to occupy ten islands, someone would come to find fault.

But now, no one dares to come and provoke.

Because the Lone Star Gang has this strength, it is fully qualified to occupy ten islands!

Even the owner of the Kunpeng Island is stunned. If anyone is better than the owner of the Kunpeng Island, then consider dealing with the Lone Star Gang!

At this moment, in comparison, the Kunpeng pirate group is facing the biggest crisis in a century.

They died of gold and silver evil, and immediately after the incident was revealed, a master immediately asked them to cede several islands.

After a month of competition, the 13 islands of the Kunpeng Pirate Group were finally ceded out of three.

The island master of Kunpeng was bleeding, but there was no other way but to admit it.


On Yinfeng Island, there are two towering canyons called Yinfeng Canyon. For many years, the wind howls like ghosts and wolves.

This is also the core area of ​​Yinfeng Island!

At this moment, Lin Hao was sitting entwined in the Yinfeng Canyon, and the owner of Yinfeng Island, Patriarch Guo, and Patriarch Mu were all surrounded here.

These three were the three Eight Tribulations True Monarchs under Lin Hao's command, newly recruited.

"The pill you need, I have finished refining it, take it!"

Lin Hao waved his hand, and all three pills flew into the hands of the three of them.

When they got the pill, the three of them were trembling with excitement.

"Sure enough, it is the Five Elements Yin Qi Pill, which can mobilize the power of the Five Elements, open up the meridians, and greatly increase the potential! I may break through the nine calamities in my lifetime!"

"Haha! Great! With the principle of real pill, I can cast the body of the law!"

"Master, be worshipped by me!"

The three true monarchs were so excited that they all bowed to Lin Hao.

These three people were forced to join the Lone Star Gang because their reputation was too great and they did not dare to defy. Now, they have only joined the Lone Star Gang for a month, and Lin Hao has allowed them to taste the These three medicines are all Eight Tribulations Sacred Pills, all they had dreamed of but could not get, and now Lin Hao helped them realize it.

Everyone could not imagine that this master was still a pill sage.

"The medicinal materials I want you to collect, have you collected it?" Lin Hao asked.

He is now in the Six Tribulations Reality, and the medicinal materials for breaking through the Seven Tribulations cannot be obtained from the Ye Family, so he can only target the Qiandao sea area.

"Master, the medicinal materials you need are too rare. We only found half of them." The owner of Yinfeng Island took out a storage ring and threw it to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao took a look and found that most of the medicinal materials in it were missing. Among the three main medicinal materials, there was only one "Returning Dream Fruit".

"Sure enough, Ye Xianglong couldn't even collect them, and he couldn't count on them too much." Lin Hao said to himself.

The seventh calamity is called the Blood Soul Tribulation, and the pill that breaks through the seven calamities is called the "Seven Star Blood Soul Pill", which means that the soul is incorporated into the body, and every part of the flesh and blood carries the power of the soul.

Seven Star Blood Soul Pill, no more than ten people control the refining method in the world!

Because it is too popular, the medicinal materials are also very difficult to find.

Lin Hao can only hope in the Qiandao Chamber of Commerce, hoping not to let him down.

"One month later, the Thousand Island Auction will begin. Within this month, everything that can be sold will be sold and turned into the best spirit stone or spirit vein to prepare for the Thousand Island Auction!" Lin Hao ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone bowed back.

Now, Lin Hao's net worth has reached 100 billion top-grade spirit stones. It is not a problem to sell a few things and collect 150 billion.

Such wealth, it is estimated that the entire Qiandao sea area can be ranked in the top five.

If you add a superb spirit vein, it will be impossible to calculate.

As long as the medicine for the Seven Star Blood Soul Pill appears, he must buy it!

(End of this chapter)

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