Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1002: : The net has been cast, waiting for the fish to bait

Lin Hao had nothing to do with him, he was bold enough, and didn't want to go against True Monarch Invincible, so he could only honestly attend the auction.

"Yes, I don't rob auctions, but I can rob people who buy things!"

Lin Hao suddenly thought of this.

The Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce does not care who will **** it after the fact, just sell it.

"Hey, it makes sense, that's it!" Lin Hao thought to himself.

He first went to the Qiandao Auction House and went around the auction house to observe the environment here.

"The exit is in the east, and the nearest outlet to the sea is a thousand miles to the north."

"Well, that's it!"

Lin Hao observed for a while and calculated where most of the people fled.

He came to the north of Thousand Island City, exited the city gate, and stopped not far away.

This is a slope, bumpy, and very concealed.

"It's here, set up a formation."

Lin Hao stopped here, spilling the spirit stone.

Some time ago, Minglei Pill refined three more, which can arrange three closed law formations.

Coupled with his new method, even if you meet the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations, you can fight for it, which is completely worthwhile!

The premise is that someone else walks into the formation.

This place was obtained by Lin Hao after countless calculations. There is a probability of more than 60% that people who carry heavy treasures will pass here.

In order to prevent being discovered by others, Lin Hao first used a shielding formation, and then dived into the ground.

It took five days before and after Lin Hao was finished.

Next, Lin Hao continued to walk around for a few more laps, found the two most likely locations for people to approach, and set up the remaining two formations.

During this time……

In the largest restaurant in Thousand Island City, the three persons of the Guo family, the ancestor of the Mu family, and the owner of Yinfeng Island were sitting around the table and drinking small wine.

"You said, what did the head master do?" Patriarch Guo asked.

"Who knows, I heard that to familiarize yourself with the environment, maybe there is something else."

"We don't have to guess his plan, we can't guess it!" Yinfeng Island Master saw it thoroughly and laughed.

At this moment, in front of their square table, a figure wearing a cloak suddenly appeared. This was an old man with a hawk nose and his eyes were very sharp, like a blade.

This person appeared without warning, and none of the three responded.


The three of them stood up at the same time, the aura in their bodies surged, and the power of law appeared in their eyes.

"Don't be nervous, sit down, I'm just talking to three of you!" The cloak figure laughed.

The three of them glanced at each other. Among them, the master of Yinfeng Island said, "Sir, let's just say if you have something to say. They are all smart people, so don't make a mistake."

"Hahaha! As expected of the Lone Star gang, a bit courageous." The cloak figure laughed.

After hearing this, they vaguely guessed why this person came.

"Your Excellency, what's the matter?" Mu family ancestor said.

"It's okay, there are just a few questions, I want to ask three people to inquire about it." The cloak figure laughed.

"Say!" Yinfengdao said.

"The first question, what is the cultivation base of your Lone Star Gang leader?" The cloak figure said.

Hearing this question, the three of them were immediately happy.

"Six Tribulations real person." Mu Family ancestor smiled.

"Hahaha!" The cloaked figure suddenly laughed.

"All are smart people, why make such a joke? I ask again, and while I'm still a bit patient, tell me! What kind of cultivation is he!"

"I've already said that the master is a real person of Six Tribulations, believe it or not!" Mu Family ancestor coldly snorted.

"Huh! I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine!"

The figure in the cloak snorted coldly, picked up the wine glass on the wine table, and poured it towards the Mu family ancestor.


The wine in the glass instantly turned into a murderous sword, stabbing the Mu Family ancestor like lightning!

"The law of water flow!"

The pupils of the Mu family ancestors contracted.

"Shoo, hoo..."

The drink pierced the Mu family ancestor, pierced his whole body into a sieve, and sprinkled blood.

He felt that after the drinks entered the body, they were still running around and wreaking havoc, making his face look pale.

"A true monarch of the Nine Tribulations, it is so funny that you call him a true man of the Six Tribulations!" The man in the cloak grinned grimly.

The ancestor of the Mu family knelt on the ground quickly: "My lord, the master is really just the Six Tribulations real person!"

"Six Tribulations, how can you willingly let you surrender?" The cloak man shouted.

At this time, everyone was silent.

When they thought about it carefully, they also found it incredible.

"Yes! Did he hide his cultivation base?" The Mu Family ancestor asked in surprise.

The other two also felt reasonable.

The cloak man vaguely understood.

"Then I will continue to ask you, where is he now?" The man in the cloak then asked.

"I don't know." The three shook their heads.

"Hahaha! It seems that your master doesn't trust you either!" The cloak man laughed.

"What are you trying to say?" The Lord of the evil wind island said.

"It's nothing, just want you to cooperate with me to do one thing, and I will give you the benefits that your boss gives you twice! Otherwise all will die!"

The cloak man shook it lightly and made a mortal movement.

All three of them looked around and found that the movement here did not cause anyone in the restaurant to notice.

It was as if they were all air, and all of them looked normal.

This shows that before the cloak man came, he blocked everything that happened here.

Such a terrifying method is simply appalling.

"Listen to your orders!" The Mu Family ancestor was the first to surrender and respectfully said.

"Listen to your orders!"

The other two also quickly clasped their fists.


Half a month passed, and Lin Hao's three formations were done with coefficients.

At this moment, when he left the underground, the crowd in Thousand Island City obviously increased. It seems that they were all here to participate in the Thousand Island Auction.

"Haha! The net has been spread, waiting for the fish to get the bait." Lin Hao laughed.

Back in Thousand Island City, the streets were full of people, and many masters were shuttled quickly.

Lin Hao just swept around and found two True Monarchs of the Eight Tribulations. There are really many masters.

"Come out!" Lin Hao said with a transmission token.

"Swish swish!"

The ancestors of the Mu family, the master of Yinfeng Island and the master of Guo appeared at the same time, holding their fists and saying: "See the master!"

"Well, in the last half month, has there been any major event?" Lin Hao asked.

"Back to the master, apart from Kunpeng Island Master who is asking for your news, there is nothing else for the time being." Yinfeng Island Master said.

"Hehe, I want to retaliate so soon, this Kunpeng Island Master is really brave!" Lin Hao smiled.

"Of course, if you dare to offend the master, Kunpeng Island Master will die sooner or later." Family Master Guo flattered.

"Stop the gossip and enter the auction room." Lin Hao smiled.


The three followed neatly.

(End of this chapter)

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