Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1004: : Medicine Garden!

This feeling was inexplicable. When Lin Hao probed the past carefully, he found that the auction platform had an array to block the consciousness.

"It's weird." Lin Hao said to himself.

The auction will continue, and most of the auction items that appeared in the early stages were worth less than 10 billion yuan.

The people in the hall were blushing, and the luxurious seats on the second floor were rarely shot.

Later, the value of the auction items generally exceeded 10 billion, and gradually the second-tier people began to compete.

"The next auction item is one of today's three finale treasures, Yaoyuan!"

"This medicinal garden was accidentally found on an isolated island. It has a large number of Seven Tribulations and Eight Tribulations, as well as a small amount of Nine Tribulations. Due to the large quantity, it was auctioned at one time.”

With a wave of Ni'er's hand, the reflection of a medicine garden appeared.

Lin Hao looked at it, his eyes lit up suddenly.

This is not so much a medicine garden, but rather a mountain of medicines. The mountains and plains are full of precious medicinal materials. The number of medicinal materials exceeds at least 200,000 plants and the types are more than 50,000 kinds!

Moreover, its medicinal material grade is not high, but it is very rare, and it happens to have the medicinal materials needed to refine the Seven Star Blood Soul Pill.

As long as he gets this medicine garden, let alone the Seven Star Blood Soul Pill, he can refine it even if he is even less popular.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Hao completely turned over when he got this medicine garden!

But at this moment, Lin Hao was very anxious. With his current financial resources, such a large medicine garden could not afford it, unless these people were all fools.

After all, such a large medicinal garden, with 200,000 medicinal plants of different types, even if it is purchased and sold to the alchemy family of the Earth God Realm, it can make a lot of money.

It is conservatively estimated that there is no 500 billion superb spiritual stones, and I am afraid that it will not be able to get it.

"Miss Nier, this medicine garden can't be put in the storage ring, how can it be auctioned?" Someone wondered.

Miss Nier smiled and said: "The auctioneer said that his medicine garden was accidentally discovered in the deserted sea. As long as it is photographed, he will provide a chart showing the specific location of the medicine garden, so that you To collect."

Upon hearing this, there was a boo in the hall.

"Is there any mistake, it's just a map?! Who buys it!"

"What if someone sets up a trap in the pharmacy, go to death?"

"Yes, maybe this medicine garden is in the most dangerous place in the Sea of ​​Desolation. If you buy it, it's nothing!"

There was a complaint in the auction room.

Miss Nier smiled bitterly and said: "First of all, I assure you that our Chamber of Commerce has sent someone to personally inspect this medicine garden, and the medicinal materials are true!"

"Secondly, the location of this medicine garden is very hidden, but the location is safe. There will be no big danger on the way in the past!"

"Finally, there are no traps in the pharmacy!" Nier smiled.

Hearing this explanation, the people in the hall complained less.

Miss Nier couldn't help smiling when she saw this.

In fact, this pharmacy was discovered by their own people, and there are many risks, but as long as the transaction goes out, their goal is achieved, and they will not lose money.

At this time, Lin Hao clasped his fist and asked, "Miss Nier, was this medicine garden discovered by accident?"

"Yes." Nier nodded.

"Also, you don't know who the real master of this medicine garden is!" Lin Hao said.

At this time, the voice in the auction hall became quiet.

Miss Nier's face changed and she nodded and said, "Yes! But what if there is no master?"

"Hehe, there are so many kinds of rich medicinal materials, do you believe it if there is no master?" Lin Hao looked around and smiled.

There was a whisper in the hall.

Two hundred thousand high-grade medicinal materials are planted all over a mountain. How can it be naturally generated? Someone must have deliberately planted it!

Lin Hao saw the expressions of the people, and then smiled: "Maybe, there is a master in this pharmacy, and he has to go back and check it every once in a while. If one day, he finds that the pharmacy has been stolen, furious, and is held accountable. , I’m afraid the people who bought the medicine garden will have a bad day!"

Lin Hao said with a smile.

These words immediately resonated with everyone.

"Yes, if it is planted by a master, wouldn't it be someone else's stuff? Don't chase after it!" someone shouted.

"Yes, we won't go with such a big risk!" everyone said one after another.

Ni'er's face flushed. Of course, she hoped that the more expensive the medicine garden would sell, the better, but now that Lin Hao has mixed her up, the value is greatly reduced.

"If it was left artificially, would the master not leave a protection formation?" Nier retorted.

"What if the formation is broken? With a single mouth, we don't know the truth, don't you say so!" Lin Hao smiled.

Nier has nothing to say.

Because what Lin Hao said was the truth.

When their Thousand Islands Chamber of Commerce discovered the medicine garden, there were obvious traces of artificial planting there. Their Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce, which was established all year round, would not offend people, so they did not choose to take it away.

But in order to realize its value, they made a map of the pharmacy and put it out for auction.

Even if they are held accountable by the owner of the pharmacy, they can completely shirk the responsibility.

"In short, to buy this medicine garden, you need to bear the risk of being pursued and killed." Lin Hao sat back and waved his hand: "I'm done with what I said. Let's continue."

Nier took a deep breath and returned to a calm state.

She smiled and said, "The starting price is 10 billion."

After the news went out, the hall remained quiet and no one was willing to take action.

Apparently, they were all overwhelmed by Lin Hao's previous words.

"I give out 30 billion!"

At this time, someone suddenly made a move, it was the old man with a hook nose wearing a cloak, Xuema!

"Xuemu is powerful, so you should not be afraid of the owner of that medicine garden." Someone commented.

"I give out 50 billion!"

There was another shot. It was the island owner of Canglong Island, Xiao Canglong Island and Blood Sect were both the top five superpowers, and the strength of the two was not the same.

"Sixty billion!" Xuemo continued to increase prices.

"Seventy billion!" Xiao Cang confronted each other.

"Xiao Cang, what are you arguing with me, it's just an address message. If the island's medicinal materials cannot be picked, wouldn't it be a big loss?" Xue Mo coldly hummed.

"Stop talking nonsense, there is a price increase." Xiao Cang snorted coldly.

Xuemo fell into hesitation.

He didn't have much hope for this medicine garden. There was no doubt that someone planted it, and 80% was an alchemist.

Even if you buy it, you may still offend people.

"80 billion!"

Suddenly, someone shouted in the lobby on the first floor.

It was a young man with sallow skin, dressed in a red robe, with a childish look, probably a hairy boy.

"Hehe, this is the fight between Xuemo and Xiao Cang, would you dare to intervene?" The person next to him sneered.

Lin Hao's clone just smiled without speaking.

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