Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1010: : Unlucky Sea Snake

Lin Hao shook his hand in the air.


Suddenly, the Bafang Thunderprint in Xuemo's hand flashed with dazzling thunder, shaking violently, becoming violent and uneasy.


Hearing a violent explosion, Xuemo's arms exploded into nothingness. In his horrified eyes, Bafang Lei Yin flew out and fell into Lin Hao's hands.

"This Thunder Seal is clearly refined by me! How can it be controlled by you?"

Xuemo was horrified.

Lin Hao said: "This is something you can't understand, and I can't explain it! Go to **** to find the answer!"

"Thunder burst!"

Lin Hao urged Lei Yin.


The nine-day divine thunder in Xuemo's body broke out in an instant, and the lightning flashed, and the vast thunder exploded in his body.


In a long scream, only a loud roar was heard, and Xuema's body exploded into pieces of meat, and it was flying down.


The thunder and lightning completely boiled, swept through tens of thousands of miles, destroying all mountains and forests in a radius of thousands of miles, flying sand and rocks, and soot!

The shaking took a long time for a stick of incense before it subsided slowly.

Looking around, there was only a huge pit of the abyss with a diameter of thousands of miles, and the blood was blown into pieces of black coal.

Lin Hao took a breath and landed in the pit.

He took a volley and sucked Xuemo and Xiao Cang's storage ring into his hand.

Both Xuemo and Xiao Cang are the five masters in the Qiandao waters, and Canglong Island and Xuezong under their command are all the top five superpowers.

Now that the leaders of the two superpowers are dead, this Thousand Islands sea area is afraid to change completely.

Of course, the matter is far from over.


On the other side, an hour ago.

As soon as the auction was over, True Monarch Sea Snake followed behind the Kunpeng Island Master, chasing and killing him.

"Hmph! It made me lose nearly 200 billion more, I have to take your skin off!" True Monarch Sea Snake thought angrily.

With a flick of his finger, a soul chasing mark struck the main body of Kunpeng Island.

After leaving the auction room, the Kunpeng Island owner ran all the way south, and the two left the city one after another.

But all of a sudden, True Monarch Sea Snake glanced downwards, and inadvertently saw a young man with sallow skin.

The sallow young man was the one who bought the chart of the Medicine Garden at the auction.


True Monarch Sea Snake volleyed, grabbed it, and brought it up.

"Hand over the map of the medicine garden, and I'll be happy!" True Monarch Sea Snake grabbed Lin Hao's clone and said coldly.

"My lord! Don't kill me. I know the secret of Island Master Kunpeng. As long as you don't kill me, I will tell you everything!" Lin Hao said in horror.

"Say!" True Monarch Sea Snake said coldly.

"As long as you promise to let me go, I'll say it right away!" Lin Hao avatar said.


True Monarch Sea Snake was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly cut off Lin Hao's arm.

"Say or not?"

"Ah! I said! I said!" Lin Hao screamed out of his avatar.

"He was instructed by Xuemo to compete with you." Lin Hao panicked.

"Oh? That's it?"

True Monarch Sea Snake said coldly, he had already guessed it.

"Also, Xuemo won't help him, as long as you spare me, I will tell you everything!" Lin Hao shouted.


Seeing the Kunpeng Island Master flying further and further, True Monarch Sea Snake lost his patience and pinched Lin Hao's clone into a blood mist.

He searched in the storage ring of Lin Hao's clone, and he found the map of the medicine garden.

In addition, he also found a map of dragon blood, a hundred miles outside the North City of Nakajima, very close.


True Monarch Sea Snake snorted coldly, and followed the Island Master Kunpeng away.

Lin Hao had no grievances with him, but when he happened to see him, he robbed him by the way, and there was no loss anyway.

Soon, the Lord Kunpeng was blocked by True Monarch Sea Snake.

"True Monarch Sea Snake, I admit that I am not your opponent, but I was instructed by Lord Xuemo. If you dare to kill me, Lord Sun Xuemo will definitely break through your nest." Island Master Kunpeng threatened.

"Huh! You caused me to lose nearly two hundred billion in vain. Since there is blood to protect you, let him come out and tell me personally! Otherwise, I will take your skin off!" True Monarch Sea Snake said coldly.

"Wait a minute, Master Xuemo should be here soon." Kunpeng Island said.

The two were sitting on the side of the island and waiting.

Xuemo has now obtained the Thunder Seal from all directions, and the sea snake is not good to offend him.

Although he is also one of the five masters, his strength is ranked at the bottom.

So the two waited patiently.

However, one stick of incense passed, and two sticks of incense passed...

A full hour passed, but the blood **** did not appear.

The owner of Kunpeng Island was sweating in a hurry.

"Impossible! It stands to reason that Master Xuemo's affairs are finished, so he should come here! Is it possible that Xiao Cang has great skills?" Island Master Kunpeng was uneasy.

If the two Great Ten Tribulation True Monarchs fight each other, unless they are evenly matched, they should be over in one hour.

There are eight thunder marks on the blood mass, which is reasonable enough to crush Xiao Cang.

"Kunpeng child, the blood moth has never appeared!" Sea Snake Zhenjun said with a smile, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes: "You are not playing me!"

"The villain dare not." The island owner Kunpeng was sweating profusely.

True Lord Sea Snake continued to wait.

After another period of time, the blood moth still did not appear, and the sea snake also lost patience.


True Monarch Sea Snake directly slapped it down and photographed the Lord Kunpeng Island into meat sauce.

Afterwards, the sea snake swallowed Kunpeng's corpse, and even his soul was swallowed into his body.

"Huh! How dare you play me, treat me as a fool." True Monarch Sea Snake coldly snorted.

At this time, he touched his chin and pondered: "It's really like the kid said, the blood will not come over, it's kind of interesting!"

"Haha, it's a pity, it's useless if you say it, you should kill or kill." True Monarch Sea Snake sneered.

Dare to bargain with him, there is only one dead end! He still chased Kunpeng, so he didn't want to waste time with Lin Hao.

He took out the map of Dragon Blood, glanced at it, and flew in a certain direction.

The map is clearly written, and dragon blood is hidden here, for fear that outsiders may not know it.

After flying for some distance, he came to a sunken terrain.

"According to the the dragon blood is hidden here."

True Monarch Sea Snake landed, and after some exploration, he found dragon blood in a cave.

However, the quality of this dragon's blood is not high. It is installed in a tank and there are instructions on it. As long as it is taken away, it will evaporate immediately.

No wonder that if the person does not take it away, it will evaporate when taken away.

True Monarch Sea Snake came to the cave.

There are other instructions on the big tank. It is said that using this thing together with other dragon blood will have miraculous effects!

Regarding these, True Monarch Sea Snake did not doubt, anyway, he grabbed this map, and he was not afraid of being tricked.

"Forget it, just use it to temper the body!" The Sea Snake True Monarch incarnate for the body, jumped into the big tank.

(End of this chapter)

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