Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1012: : The owner of the pharmacy

Blood Sect, Canglong Island, Snake Group.

The three major forces are all well-known and ranked in the top five powers in the Thousand Islands waters.

At this moment, major earthquakes broke out in all three major forces.

Because their suzerain is dead!

The soul card is broken, and you can't die again!

The time is shortly after the end of the Thousand Islands auction.

According to past practice, after the auction ends, they will each hunt down their targets, **** some treasures, and make up for losses.

There has always been no danger, the process went smoothly, and he returned safely.

But today, the situation is very different, their leader is dead!

So, inside and outside the blood clan, a series of actions to seize power began.

The big elder and the second elder fought, and the third elder confided in intelligence agents, and confided in foreign enemies to enter the interior, and the young master escaped with a bunch of treasures, how far he fleeed.

Like the Thousand Islands sea area, unless it is a sect with strong cohesion, there will be no "sect master is dead, trace the murderer for revenge".

Even Lin Hao's Lone Star Gang had three traitors.

As for the Snake Group of True Monarch Sea Snake, it is a pirate group in itself, not to mention the order.

When the Sea Snake King died, he immediately turned into a pan of porridge, the power grabbing power, the treasure grabbing the treasure, and the killer, the old enemy of the Sea Snake King took the opportunity to come to the door and set off another **** storm.

The most stable of the three is Xiao Cang's Canglong Island.

The cohesion of the island is not bad, but so far, there are still arguing about who will succeed the island owner. Two elders left, and the guardian elder who guarded the treasure stolen himself. Other than that, there was not much trouble.

Three days after the end of the Qiandao auction, the matter swept across the entire Qiandao waters like a storm.

Everyone is wondering who did it!

Who has such great ability to kill three masters without leaving a trace?

The five great masters in the Thousand Islands waters have been changed for a hundred years. Three people died overnight, no doubt from the same person.

They even wondered if someone from the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce took the initiative, but they quickly got a promise that the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce did not use a single soldier.

At the same time, the death of the island owner Kunpeng seemed irrelevant.

The Kunpeng pirate group was also in chaos, ten islands continued to be disintegrated, and only three remained.

In peacetime, if the Kunpeng Island Master dies, there will definitely be a stir, but now, three of the five masters have died. This news is even more shocking.

There was a lot of noise outside, but Lin Hao, the initiator of this incident, sailed on the barren sea on his Lone Star.

Following the directions on the map, Lin Hao was driving towards the medicine garden.

After driving for a full two days and nights, as the map said, there is an island here.

To be on the safe side, Lin Hao sent a clone to the destination.

This is a small valley, and I can smell the smell of medicinal materials before it approaches.

Lin Hao looked intently and smiled suddenly.

The scale of the medicinal garden is larger than that displayed at the auction site, with a total of 300,000 plants of different kinds of medicinal materials.

However, he vaguely felt a sense of being spied on.

Therefore, he is sure that there is a surveillance formation here, but with his current strength, it cannot be cracked! It is estimated that the Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce did not notice it.

Lin Hao looked around for a while, without hesitation, immediately moved up and down, and quickly put the medicinal materials into his inventory.

Afterwards, Lin Hao took out the medicinal materials from his inventory and planted them in the internal space.

In his internal space, there is a small mountain bag, according to the volume, it should be just enough to contain so many medicinal materials.

After all, many medicinal materials will quickly become invalid as long as they leave the soil, and Lin Hao can only plant them.

The clone collects medicinal materials and puts them in the inventory, while the body is taken out in another place.

I worked around for about a stick of incense.

The medicinal materials in the entire valley were transferred to the internal space by Lin Hao.

In Lin Hao's body world, a hillside appeared with all medicinal materials on it.

Next to the hillside, is the best spirit vein that Lin Hao seized. With the nourishment of the spirit vein, the medicinal materials should not be damaged.

Beside, there is a 900 billion superb spirit stone.

Xiao Cang's 700 billion, as well as True Monarch Sea Snake and Kunpeng Island Master, add up to 200 billion.

However, these 900 billion superb spiritual stones are not as valuable as a superb spiritual vein.

Because it is priced according to the standards of the Middle-earth God Realm, the value of a top-grade spiritual vein is equivalent to one trillion top-grade spiritual stones.

One can imagine how Lin Hao felt when he confiscated this superb spiritual vein.

A third-rate family like the Ye clan has only two or three superb spiritual veins.

"It is not advisable to stay here for long."

Lin Hao secretly said, the body quickly urged the Lone Star to leave here quickly.

But his clone did not leave.

Because he felt that the clone had been locked.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the sky and said, "Your Excellency, since it's here, why not show up?"


There was a cold snort from the sky.

Then, Lin Hao saw a pair of cold eyes appearing in the clouds, looking down at him.

"Good boy, stole my medicine garden from a mountain. Are you convicted?" Those eyes said.

"I bought the map of the medicine garden at the Thousand Islands Auction. I paid for it. Why can't I pick it up? If you don't believe me, you can ask about it. I'm telling the truth." Lin Hao smiled.

"Hahaha! It's commendable courage, Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce, I will naturally go to them to settle accounts, but before that..."

Suddenly, in front of Lin Hao, a pair of big hands appeared and clasped his neck.

"Did you hand in the medicinal materials yourself, or did you force me to use it?" the voice said coldly.

"Hehe, hiding his head and showing up, I also want to see what the owner of the medicine garden looks like, but it turned out to be just a rat."

Lin Hao shook his head helplessly.

"It's fine, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, goodbye!"

Lin Hao blew up with a "bang" for a short time.

After Lin Hao's clone blew himself up, an old figure immediately appeared where he was.

This person searched around, seeming to want to find Lin Hao's storage ring.

"Huh? Where's the storage ring?"

After searching for a long time, there was nothing.

"How is it possible? It can disappear out of thin air!" The old figure was shocked.

He had set up a surveillance array, and watched Lin Hao pick up the medicinal materials. Since he hadn't moved it to another place, he must be hidden in the ring and could not disappear out of thin air.

The old figure continued to search, digging three feet, and even searched the sea around the island.

After searching for three days, let alone medicinal materials, I didn't even see a single hair.

"Ah!!! I am so mad!"

The roar of anger echoed between heaven and earth.

"Thousand Island Chamber of Commerce, right? Wait for me!"


(End of this chapter)

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