
Consciousness spent in chaos.

Lin Hao faintly felt that the Lone Star was constantly bumping, as if it had encountered a huge tsunami.

The turbulence lasted for a long time before it disappeared, and the Lone Star seemed to be washed away by the sea to another place.

Day after day, I don't know how long the time has passed.

Lin Hao opened his eyes suddenly, he quickly stood up and looked around——

He is still on the Lone Star.

The sky is dark, in all directions, or an endless ocean, dim and barren.

Here, it is still a barren sea.

Lin Hao thought it was a secret realm, was he wrong?

Next, the first thing he did when he woke up was to check his physical condition to see if he was injured or if there was any poison in his body.

After a while, Lin Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was not injured or encountered danger. This was the best situation.

He looked around and couldn't help but show suspicion.

The Lone Star stayed on the surface of the sea, motionless, because the sea was also strangely still, as calm as a well water.

No wind, no waves, just like stagnant water!

This is incredible!

Where is the sea water? Such a sight can never appear in the sea!

Lin Hao stood up and took a look, then spied out the spiritual sense, spreading to the maximum.

There is nothing, even if it is thousands of miles away, it is still calm sea.

"It's strange, how can there be no wind?"

Lin Hao was puzzled. He thought this was still the sea area of ​​Thousand Islands, but it was obviously not! This is another strange place!

He drove the Lone Star slowly towards the front.

With the start of the Lone Star, a wave of ripples finally appeared on the sea, but it soon became calm as before.

Lin Hao drove for a long time, and he didn't even see a single figure. Even after passing through a million miles, it was still exactly the same.

Now, he was a little panicked.

No one, no wind, no direction, he doesn't even know where this is!

It's as if this is a place of complete silence, with no breath of life.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hao frowned.

Where should he go? How to do?

Is this still a barren sea?

From the perspective of the sea, it must be a barren sea, but where is the barren sea so peaceful?

He entered the inner space and took a look. The best spirit stone and the best spirit veins, as well as many treasures were still there.

His physical condition is also intact, there is no injury, no poisoning.

As a result, Lin Hao felt a little relieved.

At the very least, if he encounters danger next, he won't be unable to protect himself.

Lin Hao set up a defensive formation on the Lone Star, a teleportation formation that shifted instantly, so that safety was greatly improved.

Lin Hao continued driving.

The sea was lifeless and there was nothing.

Lin Hao also tried to drill into the water with his clone.

As a result, he discovered another shocking thing-

There is no bottom in this sea area!

Even if it was his clone, it dived to a depth of tens of thousands of miles, but still couldn't see the bottom, as if it was a bottomless deep ocean!

This is a bit scary, even in the barren sea, some special trenches have bottoms!

However, there are also very few places in the barren sea, the seabed is very deep, and it is impossible to find the cultivation base without the path.

It's just that kind of place, far less weird than here!

At this time, Lin Hao's clone could no longer withstand the huge pressure and desolate force, and turned into nothingness in the depths of the sea.

Lin Hao raised his head to look at the sky, and created another clone, flying towards the sky.

In the sky, there are no clouds, no moon, and the dark sky, with only a dim light, which makes people barely see the sea.

After flying a distance, the avatar knew how to fly, but it couldn't fly to the end, so he went back.

In this way, it can be regarded as desperate.

Lin Hao took out the Demon Thunder Sword and asked, "Devil Thunder Sword, tell me, what happened during my coma?"

"I don't know, I am also in a coma." Mo Lei Jian responded.

Lin Hao was speechless.

In the internal space, the queen is not unconscious, but she has been in the internal space and can't ask why.

"Queen ant, swallow the three corpses I prepared for you." Lin Hao ordered.


The queen ant happily flew towards the bodies of the three sea snakes.

She had been greedy for the three corpses for a long time, but without Lin Hao's order, she did not dare to make any claims.

The queen ant just swallowed a small tail of True Monarch Sea Snake, and immediately felt the fullness of the true essence, and moved on to the next catastrophe.

A week later, Lin Hao released him and survived a catastrophe.

What makes Lin Hao strange is that in this strange area, even Thunder Tribulation is small and pitiful, only a dozen thunders have passed through smoothly.

"It's strange." Lin Hao said to himself.

Since there was no marker, Lin Hao put a floating log on the sea as a marker every time he traveled a certain distance.

There is no wind here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sea is motionless, so there is no worry that the sign wood will be blown away.

In this way, it took a month for Lin Hao to roughly make a map.

This map is roughly equivalent to one-fifth of the area of ​​the Thousand Islands Sea. In such a large area, there is such a calm sea and nothing else, which is incredible.

Then, Lin Hao continued to drive forward and explored along the outside of the map.

Suddenly, another month passed.

The area of ​​the map made by Lin Hao has doubled, and it is still a calm sea with nothing.

Then, after another three months, the queen went through the catastrophe again and came to the real person of Six Tribulations, and everything else was as usual.

In such days, time flies by.

Unknowingly, it has been half a year since Lin Hao woke up.

The area of ​​the map has exceeded the area of ​​the Thousand Islands sea area, and it is still increasing.

Lin Hao even wondered if there was no end to this strange and calm sea.

During the period, he also used a sword to split the air, but nothing happened, not even a space crack appeared, just a little shake.

This shows that the space here is very stable!

Faced with such a situation, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it will break down directly, but is Lin Hao an ordinary person, he has not experienced anything?

He was very patient, because he had enough spirit stones, a medicine garden in his body, and the best spirit veins. Even if he was stuck here for 10,000 years, he didn't worry about insufficient resources.

Despite being mentally prepared.

However, in the seventh month after Lin Hao arrived, there was an accident.

He saw a boat on the distant sea.

This ship is not big, smaller than the Lone Star, can only accommodate three people at most, and was discovered by Lin Hao thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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