Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1028: : Chaos on Earth

When he approached the island, Lin Hao finally sensed the existence of a little heaven and earth aura, very thin, not as good as the most remote place in the Eastern Profound Region.

Looking at the big island ahead, Lin Hao vaguely knew what place it was.

This is an isolated place with extremely poor resources.

Moreover, the seawater of the barren sea on all sides, with barren air, corrodes human body and spirit!

In such a place, wanting to survive is nothing short of idiotic dreams. Even if the life span reaches one hundred thousand years, the cultivator who crosses the catastrophe period of two hundred thousand years will die quickly, and will not live for ten thousand years.

It's no wonder that the Six Tribulations real person would choose to sit down! Because he can't live anymore, he can only die!

Once you lose the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you will not be able to cultivate. The true essence in your body will gradually escape to the outside world as time goes by, the cultivation base will become lower and lower, and eventually you will die.


Lin Hao let out a long sigh and drove to the edge of the human island.

The area of ​​the earthly island is very large. After Lin Hao reached the shore, he put away the Lone Star, so as not to be seen differently.

Lin Hao took a step forward and walked towards a small town by the sea.

Along the way, he saw some villagers returning from hunting in the distance, still holding two big fish in his hands.

These villagers are all monks in the condensate phase, but they did not fly. Flying is an extremely extravagant and wasteful act in such a place where aura is scarce.

"Fish?" Lin Hao was stunned, and asked, "Three brothers, where did this fish come from?"

The three of them glanced at Lin Hao vigilantly, and two of them took out the harpoon.

"You raised it yourself, do you have a problem?" said one of the big bearded guys.

The monks in the condensing phase had all gone to raise fish by themselves, and Lin Hao really had nothing to say.

"Big brother, this person is not trying to grab our fish!"

"It is possible that these two fish have some aura in their bodies, and it would be bad if they were discovered!"


The three of them communicated with each other and quickly fled here.

Lin Hao naturally knew what they were thinking, completely speechless.

The two fishes containing aura are protected by the three of them, which shows how scarce the resources here are.

Lin Hao walked towards the town.

When he reached the edge of the town, he couldn't help but look at the two statues beside the town.

This is a stone sculpture of two dragon tortoises, set in the town.

"Dragon turtle?" Lin Hao's pupils contracted.

He was trapped here specifically for this dragon turtle pattern!

Lin Hao grabbed a passerby and asked, "What are these two stone sculptures for?"

The passerby gave him a strange look, broke free of Lin Hao, and muttered: "There is something wrong!"

Lin Hao's eyes were cold, and he rushed up instantly, taking the person into his body.

In the internal space, the clone used soul control, enslaving this person.

The people here are not very friendly, so they don’t tell me, they have to be strong, and they want to die.

"Say, what do those two stone sculptures do?" Lin Hao yelled.

"That is the **** of the human island. As long as we offer sacrifices to him every year, he will give us spiritual energy." The passerby said confused.

"Tell me specific!" Lin Hao continued to shout.



After some exchanges, Lin Hao squeezed the person's head and fed the queen ant.

He already knew what was going on here.

Lin Hao walked to the small town and wandered, his spiritual consciousness swept out, covering the whole town.

In the small town, most of them are poor families. They don't have storage rings, and they use Qiankun bags to store things.

After catching the two fishes he saw earlier, two spirit crystals were immediately extracted.

Spirit stones are not without them. Most people still have some low-grade spiritual stones. Like a wealthy family, they may have stored two hundred low-grade spiritual stones or even middle-grade spiritual stones.

The richest is the bank in the town, which contains a storage of 500 middle-grade spirit stones.

Of course, even if all the properties of the entire town add up, it is less than a top-quality spiritual stone.

And Lin Hao's best spirit stone is 1300 billion!

At this time, someone from afar suddenly came into the air, stepping on the Lingyun, at a rapid speed.

This is simply an act of ruining Lingshi on Earth!

This person wore a brocade robe and landed at the gate of the town.

On his robe, there is a dragon tortoise carved!

"People in Qingyang Town follow the order and come out to pay this year's Lingshi." The Jinyi man shouted, his voice spread throughout Qingyang Town.

This person is a monk during the Tribulation Period, full of energy, and full of rare true essence in his body. It seems that this island is not a person without wealth.

But soon, Lin Hao knew why he became rich.

"Hurry up! Your messenger is here!"

"Go and pay the spirit stone!"

The people in the town ran out one after another, and according to the head distribution, everyone paid at least ten low-grade spirit stones, and one hundred more.

Like the owner of a bank, he paid three thousand low-grade spirit stones.

"Huh? Your family only paid ten low-grade spirit stones. You can't die?!" The messenger said messenger, the little girl is only fifteen years old this year and has no practice at all. , A year of grace? "A middle-aged woman pleaded.

"Fuck off!"

The messenger kicked over, kicking the middle-aged woman into blood.

Behind him, there is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, shrunken tremblingly, her delicate face is dirty, and her development is very poor due to lack of food and spiritual stones, she looks only about thirteen years old.

"My lord, just ask for a year of grace. I will definitely fill the spirit stone next year!" the middle-aged woman cried.

"Limited? It's okay. Send your daughter here. I will take it away and ask the gods for sin, and let this matter go."

The messenger sneered, his eyes swept over the petite girl behind her, and wicked eyes flashed in his eyes.

The middle-aged woman's face was pale.

"My messenger, just ask for a year of grace, and I can do anything you want! You can take me, don't take my daughter." The woman pleaded, stepping forward and hugging the leg of the messenger.

The messenger kicked out fiercely and kicked the woman to the wall. After she sprayed blood, she no longer had the strength to get up.

"Mother!" The girl hissed and cried, crawling to the woman's side, clutching her sleeve, tears like rain.

The messenger took a volley and sucked the girl into his hand, then took out the rope and tied her up.

"Mother! Mother!!" The girl hissed and cried, her eyes turned red, and her tragic voice spread.

"Hmph! Dare to disobey God's will, this is her fate, you all remember it!"

The messenger pointed to the dying woman in the corner and shouted coldly.

In the town, no one dared to speak, as if they were used to it.

The messenger was about to leave when he suddenly saw a young man in white clothes standing by the wall, dressed like a dog, and looked very rich.

Just now, this person seems to have not paid the spirit stone?

(End of this chapter)

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