If this is outside, any cultivator during the robbery period sees Lin Hao revealing his wealth, and it is good not to collude with others to **** it. How can he remind Lin Hao to be careful?

It seems that the people on this human island are very kind!

After leaving the town, Lin Hao and the two jumped into the air and headed straight to the depths of the island.

On the way, Fang Xun held a superb spiritual stone tightly in his hand, desperately absorbing the spiritual energy, with a satisfied expression on his face.

After flying for about half a day, a huge plateau mountain range appeared ahead, traversing thousands of miles.

Looking around, it was all snow-white, and it was endless.

In the mountains, there are two low-grade spirit stone veins, which are being mined.

Only at this time did Lin Hao feel the normal concentration of aura. However, it was similar to the remote areas of the Eastern Profound Region, and even the Panlong Region was incomparable.

In such a place, it would be weird to be able to feed the monks during the Tribulation Period.

"Senior Lin, jump over this mountain and reach the basin in front, and the temple is here." Fang Xun smiled.

Needless to say, Lin Hao's divine sense had already discovered the temple in front of him. In the middle of a basin, it turned out to be a tortoise-shaped building.

Lin Hao casually probed and found two Eight Tribulations True Monarchs, three Nine Tribulations True Monarchs, and more than fifty cultivators during the crossing period.

There is also a powerful aura hidden in the depths of the temple, reaching the level of the Ten Tribulations True Monarch, presumably one of the three major island owners.

It's just that the island owner's aura is very vain, and it must be caused by an unstable foundation and a long-term lack of training resources.

Moreover, Lin Hao's consciousness swept through his body wantonly, this person didn't even notice it, and he was holding a piece of the best spirit stone greedily absorbed.

"In such a barren place, where can the Ten Tribulation True Monarch be stronger?" Lin Hao secretly smiled.

When Lin Hao secretly probed, the two had already arrived at the gate of the temple.

"Senior, this is the temple." Fang Xun said.

In front is a huge building in the shape of a tortoise, with two dragon tortoise statues at the door, which are more majestic than those seen in the small town, with a hint of aura.

The guards at the entrance of the temple were two True Monarchs of the Eight Tribulations. They saw Fang Xun and said, "Fang Xun, what is the result of the investigation?"

"I don't know for a while, that messenger disappeared somehow." Fang Xun arched his hands.

"Who is this person?" The guard glanced at Lin Hao and asked vigilantly.

"This is the examiner I recommend." Fang Xun clasped his fists.

"There is still one month before the next assessment, wait slowly." The guard said.


Fang Xun turned his head and looked at Lin Hao: "Senior, there is one month left, why wait?"

"No need!"

Lin Hao smiled slightly, and a brilliant attention suddenly appeared in his mind.

He looked at the two guards in front of him, spreading his hands, and a lot of the best spirit stones appeared.

As soon as the best spirit stone appeared, the eyes of the two guards were straight, staring at the spirit stone without blinking.

"From now on, as long as you two listen to my orders, these top-quality spirit stones will belong to you! From now on, so many will be given to you."

Lin Hao waved his hand and threw the spirit stone into the hands of the two guards.

The two hit a few Ji Ling, and quickly took over the best spirit stone, their bodies trembling constantly, they were shocked by this scene.

Feeling the rich aura, they feel as if they are dreaming.

"Five hundred best spirit stones! My God! I have never seen so many in my life!"

"This is not a dream!"

The two guards exclaimed.

Fang Xun was also dumbfounded, but his reaction was also extremely quick, and he quickly shouted, "Isn't it? Thank you Senior?"

"Thank you senior!"

"Thank you senior!"

The two guards knelt down without saying a word.

If this is outside, it is absolutely impossible.

But on the human island, the spirit stone is life! Is their lifeblood!

"The temple gives you, I give you ten times a hundred times, as long as you obey my orders obediently, there are as many top-quality spirit stones as you want." Lin Hao smiled.

"Yes! Obey the predecessors' orders from now on!"

"Senior tells us what to do, we will never frown!" The two shouted again and again.

At this time, another group of people came here after hearing the wind.

They were all attracted by the rich aura before, and they were all cultivators during the Tribulation Period.

Most of these monks during the tribulation period are old and declining people who have repeatedly failed the assessment and are about to be eliminated.

Many of them have not been able to survive for a few years. In the future, their cultivation base will be exhausted, so they can only go out and sit down, and they will die in regret.

At this moment, all of them were staring at the best spirit stones in the hands of the two guards, with their eyes straight.


Lin Hao let out a big laugh, grabbed a handful of the best spirit stone, put it outside, and piled up into a small hillside.

"It's the same with you. As long as you listen to my orders from now on, I will give you five hundred best spirit stones every month to ensure that you will not die!" Lin Hao said loudly.

At this moment, everyone was crazy.

Five hundred top-grade spirit stones are enough for them to fill up the exhausted true essence, and they give five hundred every month. Is this true?

"is this real?"

"Am I dreaming?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

The fact that the world is barren has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, leaving a mark in their minds, seeing so many abundant resources, they can't believe it is true!

With a wave of Lin Hao's hand, each of them automatically flew 500 top-grade spirit stones, one not more than one.

When so many of the best spirit stones were held in their hands, everyone deeply felt the aura in them, and they realized that it was not a dream!

"So many top-quality spirit stones, this is not a dream! It's true!"

"Mom, really! Really!"

"Ah!! I don't have to die!"

"Great! Great!"

Everyone burst into tears in an instant, and there was a bit of a monk during the Tribulation Period, and they all cried into tears, kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly.

Lin Hao can understand their feelings. In this barren land, they are hovering on the brink of death every day. This chronic death has forced their spirits to the brink of collapse.

At this moment, Lin Hao's appearance gave them hope of survival.

It is no exaggeration to say that UU reading www.uukanshu. com Lin Hao is the savior!

Fang Xun had underestimated the allure of the best spirit stone. He hadn't reached the age of wandering between life and death, and he didn't understand the feeling that he might die at any time.

Everyone kowtowed at Lin Hao, thanking Lin Hao for his life-saving grace.

"Stop it all!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the temple.

I saw four figures suddenly appeared. Among them, the head was a brawny man with a big beard, holding a metal knife, and his body was as broad as a mountain, giving people a huge oppressive force. It was one of the three island owners, Wang Shan.

He is a true monarch of ten calamities!

The other three, all the true monarchs of the Nine Tribulations, were the hall master and two deputy hall masters of the temple, and their strengths should not be underestimated.

Lin Hao smiled slightly and came out as expected.

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