Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1042: : Start of the 5-year plan

"Now, of the more than one hundred people you have left behind, all of them are elites. There will be no problems in management. I believe you will stay and participate in this five-year plan."

Lin Hao looked at everyone and said, "If we do well, the environment on Earth Island will be completely improved in five years! Ten years later, there will be no lack of spiritual energy! A hundred years later, it will become a holy land for cultivation, Earth Island. Anywhere, the environment will be the same as the temple!"

When these bold words went out, everyone's eyes widened.

A holy place for cultivation, this is something they dare not even think of!

If the human island is everywhere the same as the environment of the temple, then it is worth it, and the world is truly unified.

"The five-year plan is only the first step and the most critical step!"

Lin Hao solemnly said.

Then he took out a storage ring.

The best spirit stone of this order of magnitude can only be loaded with storage rings.

He threw this ring in front of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing swept inside, her mouth opened, her eyes almost falling out in shock.

"Two...20 billion superb spirit stones?" Mu Qing's heart was shaken.

She never imagined that Lin Hao's number of the best spirit stones is far more than the previous ones, there are so many!

Lin Hao ignored her shock, threw down the storage rings one by one, and threw them in front of everyone.

Among these 150 elites, the most are like Mu Qing, who have received 20 billion superb spirit stones, while the few are 5 billion.

The people who got it were all dumbfounded, and were stunned by Lin Hao's financial resources.

Counting this, Lin Hao's best spirit stone originally exceeded one trillion!

Oh my God!

In fact, Lin Hao does have so many, but now, there are only 200 billion best spirit stones left on him.

"I have given you so many spirit stones. There are two tasks! One is to throw half into the sea, anywhere within a thousand miles of the human island, any sea area will do; second, to bury the other half in the barren mountains and mountains, time limit For five years!" Lin Hao solemnly said.


This time, no one raised any questions.

Lin Hao had his own reason for making such an arrangement. They only had to do as instructed.

"I will go down. I hope that after five years, I can see a different human island." Lin Hao waved his hand.

"Thank you, Island Master Lin!"

The crowd retreated excitedly.

To put the spirit stone into the sea, only a fool would do it, but this time, they are willing to be that fool.

Whether it makes sense or not, they have no reason to refuse.

Because they saw hope.

Maybe the medicine garden appeared before, the monster beasts, and the evolution of the spirit stone veins were a sign!

Mu Qing stayed and said, "Lord Lin, does this make any sense to you?"

"No." Lin Hao shook his head.

"Then why donate it? With so many spirit stones, you have cultivated for several lifetimes." Mu Qing asked in a puzzled way.

"Then you don't ask." Lin Hao said calmly.


Mu Qing nodded, she thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Lord Lin, I will ask one last question."

"You said." Lin Hao looked at her.

I saw Mu Qing said: "You give us so many spirit stones, don't worry?"

Apparently, Mu Qing was still worried that Lingshi would attract covetousness.

"You have all seen the end of stealing the spirit stone, why don't you worry about it?" Lin Hao smiled.

"But..." Mu Qing hesitated for a moment: "After all, this time it is 5 billion, or even tens of billions. In case someone really takes the risk, then..."

"Okay!" Lin Hao waved her hand and interrupted her.

"About this, you don't have to worry, do your duty well." Lin Hao said calmly.


Mu Qing bowed and took the initiative to withdraw.

This time, Lin Hao gave them the best spirit stone, enough for them to cultivate for tens of thousands of years. If you save a little, it will take a lifetime.

In fact, what Mu Qing said has some truth.

These people are honest, but Lin Hao gave too many spirit stones this time, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and if outsiders know that they have obtained so many top-quality spirit stones, 80% of them will be upset.

But what?

There was an old dragon tortoise, and his consciousness shrouded thousands of miles. Lin Hao really didn't worry about this.

In this way, everyone was busy, and the days passed day by day.

Lin Hao was not idle either. He had been studying the law of thunder and lightning in the temple, studying the annihilation of the will by the way, and occasionally alchemy.

Unconsciously, another year has passed.

During the period, Lin Hao went out to investigate several times, and everyone completed the task very well without any mistakes.


On this day, a man in black with a gloomy face came to the seaside of Earth Island.

If Lin Hao saw him, he would definitely recognize that this person was the miscellaneous fish that was eliminated at the beginning, named Luo Tao.

Luo Tao is very powerful. He has reached the True Lord of the Nine Tribulations. He is one of the rare ten true monarchs of the Nine Tribulations on the island. He was originally the city lord of a small city, but was stripped of the city lord by Lin Hao. New City Lord instead.

Luo Tao observed the new city lord for a long and discovered an amazing thing-the other party unexpectedly threw the best spirit stone into the sea.

"Is this the idea of ​​Island Master Lin?" Luo Tao frowned.

It seemed that no one had this courage except Lin Hao, who regarded money as dung.

At this moment, the new City Lord Yang had flown back from overseas and happened to collide with Luo Tao.

Luo Tao suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, isn't this the new City Lord Yang? How is my Sanyang City managed?"

City Lord Yang saw Luo Tao and said, "This will not bother you."

City Lord Yang seemed unwilling to entangle Luo Tao.

"Hehe, I recently discovered that City Master Yang seems to be throwing the best spirit stone into the sea?" Luo Tao smiled.

City Lord Yang's face sank, and he said sternly: "Luo Tao, I advise you to take care of your nostalgia. This is the order of the Lord Lin. If you dare to get in the way, be careful that the Lord Lin will let you die without a place to be buried!"

Hearing this threat, Luo Tao's expression was also slightly solemn.

I have to admit that Lin Hao's name really makes him a little nervous.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "City Lord Yang, why don't you give me a part of the spirit stone given to you by Lin Island Lord, and I will throw it into the sea for you?"

"Don't think about it!" City Lord Yang said coldly.

City Lord Yang was too lazy to continue entanglement with Luo Tao, bypassed him, and planned to leave.

Suddenly, Luo Tao behind him smiled and said: "City Lord Yang, your daughter, I have a good relationship with me recently."

City Lord Yang immediately turned around and said in anger: "You...what do you want to do?"

Of course he knew about this and he had persuaded it, but it was useless.

"Nothing, give me some spirit stones, I will leave your daughter immediately." Luo Tao smiled.

"How much do you want?" City Master Yang said solemnly.

"One hundred million." Luo Tao said with a smile.

City Lord Yang took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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