Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1053: : Lin Hao's departure

"Maybe, after Jiuyou Demon Sovereign took the puppet, he didn't listen to you, but killed you!" Dragon Turtle Immortal smiled.

After hearing this, Lin Hao couldn't help being taken aback.

Take the puppet and kill him? Is there a mistake!

"Could it be that I can't control this puppet?" Lin Hao asked.

"Nonsense! This puppet, but a super puppet that can simulate the strength of the soul master, can you control it?" Dragon Turtle Immortal snorted coldly.

Lin Hao turned black when he heard it!

What's the use of this puppet with soul?

If the puppet was controlled by Jiuyou Demon Venerable, he would definitely kill Lin Hao without saying anything, turning his head to kill Lin Hao forever.

With that old demon's temperament, there is no doubt about it, he would definitely do it!

"The specific information about the soul-attached puppet is all in it."

"Well, that's all, my promise has been fulfilled." Dragon Turtle Immortal said indifferently.

"Hey! Can I change a treasure?" Lin Hao said quickly.

"No way!"

The dragon turtle immortal refused directly.

Lin Hao: "..."

His face is all black.

With such a puppet in front of him, he couldn't use it, so he could only use it for others to control.

What kind of spiritual treasure is this?

But the dragon turtle immortal, the old king and eight lambs, doesn't get in the oil and salt, so just let it go.

"Forget it!"

Lin Hao shook his head and put the soul puppet into his body.

After eight years of hard work on Earth Island, in exchange for such a thing, he didn't dare to let Jiuyou Demon Venerable take advantage of it for nothing.

If it's really useless, it's a big deal, it should be very valuable.

"Since the task has been completed, I have almost used my best spirit stone, so I should leave." Lin Hao said.

With that, he drilled towards the ground, intending to take away the best spirit veins.

"Wait!" the old dragon turtle shouted.

"What else?" Lin Hao stopped halfway, wondering.

"If you really want to leave, I can send you out at any time, but I want to discuss something with you."


"Can you keep this superb spiritual vein?" Dragon Tortoise Immortal smiled.

Lin Hao's face suddenly sank, and he said, "I am penniless now, just such a top-grade spiritual vein. If I still stay, I won't lose money?"

"I don't take advantage of you in vain, but I bought it." Dragon Turtle Immortal smiled.

With that, a purple gold token flew up from the ground and fell into Lin Hao's hands.

This token is hard in texture, and it keeps pulling it anyway.

"The Zijin membership token of the Sky Chamber of Commerce?" Lin Hao asked in surprise.

The Sky Chamber of Commerce is the first chamber of commerce in the Sky Continent. The membership tokens are divided into six levels, from low to high, namely silver, gold, purple gold, platinum, black gold, and supreme!

Zijin is now at the third level, and at least ten superb spiritual veins must be stored before being eligible to be upgraded to the Zijin level.

Generally speaking, those who have a Zijin membership card are at least around Hedao Jing Sanzhong.

In Lin Hao's previous life, he had a supreme membership card, the highest level, and there were a lot of immortal stones stored in it, but now, I am afraid that it has fallen into the hands of the rebel.

"Where did you get this?" Lin Hao couldn't help asking.

"I picked it up." Dragon Turtle Immortal said calmly.

"Pick it up?"

Lin Hao's eyes widened.

"Hmph, I've been sealed in the sea for so many years, is it weird to find something?" Dragon Turtle Immortal said proudly.

Lin Hao thinks about it, since Dragon Turtle Immortal can influence the outside world, there must be a way to connect to the outside world, and it is not surprising that he can **** some treasures from the sea.

"Okay, this membership card is not bad, and I will give you the best spirit vein." Lin Hao smiled.

He lowered his voice and said, "Old tortoise, what baby have you picked up?"

"Don't worry, you still can't leave? Just forget it."

"I'm going! I'm going!" Lin Hao repeatedly said.

At this moment, the space inside the temple suddenly cracked, splitting a space tunnel, just enough for a person to drill in.

It can be seen that the space tunnel is full of seawater, blocked by a thin film, and should be connected to the barren sea outside.

"This space tunnel can last for one day. On the last day, you can wander around on Earthly Island. As long as you don't take away the best spiritual veins, you can do anything." Dragon Turtle Immortal said calmly.

"Good!" Lin Hao nodded slightly.

He stayed on Earth Island for eight years, and Lin Hao knew every corner of the island.

Lin Hao left the temple and began to wander around the island casually.

No purpose, just after looking.

After all, this is where he lived for eight years.

Passing by a city, when the residents in the city spotted Lin Hao, they all knelt down, and their respectful voice resounded throughout the street.

"See Master Lin!"

"See Master Lin!"

Lin Hao hurriedly flew across the sky, looking at the kneeling crowd below, smiled calmly, and left quickly.

Lin Hao walked all the way and stopped, walked through 30 cities and 100 villages, each of which only stayed for a few minutes and left.

Seeing Lin Hao's appearance, the senior officials all came out to greet him, and the residents knelt down and bowed with gratitude.

Lin Hao saved the human island.

Lin Hao suddenly felt This is pretty good!

In his previous life, he also faced such treatment when he passed a country, but that was because of his fierce reputation, and others were afraid of him, afraid that he would kill him, so he dared not kneel.

And now, the people on the island respect him, regard him as a god, and kneel down.

At this moment, Lin Hao's mood suddenly changed.

"The way of destroying the world I followed in the previous life, killing countless, creating the reputation of the Lei Zun of destroying the world, shouldn't it be different in this life?" Lin Hao smiled.

At this moment, there seemed to be a little more insight in his mind.

At this time, his internal space and area began to expand, the medicine garden inside, the medicinal materials skyrocketed, and the place where he was originally picked, the remaining medicinal species also sprouted.

I don't know if it is affected by external consciousness, Lin Hao's internal space has also become vibrant and full of aura.

It's as if this is no longer a space, but a small world!

"This is... the way of creating the world?" Lin Hao's eyes narrowed.


It was getting dark soon, Lin Hao did not linger, and after visiting Middle-earth City, he left quietly.

He returned to the temple, in the middle of the temple, the space tunnel was still there.

Now, at the last hour, everything that should be visited is finished, it's time to leave.

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly discovered that someone was coming outside.

This is a feminine woman, dressed in green gauze, it is Mu Qing.

"Mu Qing, please see Island Master Lin!"

Mu Qing knelt down outside the temple door and shouted with a fist.

In fact, Mu Qing has nothing special.

It's just that all day today, Mu Qing was restless, feeling as if something was about to happen, so she came to see Lin Hao.

The door did not open.

Only one banner flew out of the temple and was taken by Mu Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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