Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1058: : The Wild Beast Sect after 10 years

The Eastern Profound Territory, in addition to the Northern Wilderness Region, is the most barren place among the five major regions.

How barren is it?

The monks who crossed the Tribulation Period could rule over there, and any real person who came to the Tribulation Period could become the Emperor of the Earth.

However, powerful monks generally wouldn't run there, unless they were about to sit and transform, they would come to the Eastern Profound Region to have a look.

Lin Hao hid his breath and drew on the shore in Haijiao State. He has been here several times and still remembers the route.

Lin Hao went all the way, returning to Donglingzhou.

When the Tianfeng tribe was making trouble here, the environment has changed drastically.

The Tianhen Sword Sect was re-established, and its strength did not weaken much, but several new sects emerged to compete with it, and they were called the three big sects and two big families.

It is said that in each of these five forces, there are cultivators who are in charge of the Tribulation Period.

Lin Hao passed by a sect casually and took a look, and he knew that there was a real person inside, and there were two.

He didn't bother to care about things here. Although he founded the Heavenly Scar Sword Sect, he had to solve any problems, which would be too wasteful.

His current goal is to go straight to Panlong Domain.

Leaving Dongling Prefecture, passing through the Great Desolate State, passing by the Shenzhou Sea, and then upstream along the Yanluo River.

Lin Hao walked the way when he came, but it took only a long time for Lin Hao to fly over the distance that he could only walk in the past few days.

On the afternoon of arriving in the Eastern Profound Region, Lin Hao returned to the Panlong Region.

Panlongyu is still the same, no change.

In the past, Panlong Domain was still an extremely large place, but now it seems that the area is about the same as the human island.

Lin Hao thought of the Wild Beast Sect and planned to go back and have a look.

The Wild Beast Sect is different from the Skyscarred Sword Sect. After all, this is a place for him to nurture. The Ice and Fire King back then did a lot of things for him.

Moreover, the entrance of Panlong Sect is in the underground ice field of Wild Beast Sect.

Lin Hao recalled the location of the Wild Beast Sect and arrived here.

The sect is still there, but it is a little different.

The area seems to be much smaller than before. Before, a large mountain range was the territory of the wild beast sect, but now it has shrunk to a small corner. Moreover, the number of monsters is even smaller.

Even around the sect, there are human monks hunting monsters and attacking the disciples of the wild beast sect.

This was what happened when Lin Hao first joined the Wild Beast Sect.

Since Lin Hao destroyed the Star Academy, the Wild Beast Sect has been dominating it all the time. Now ten years have passed, what is the situation?

Lin Hao showed suspicion and came to the vicinity of the wild beast sect. The huge divine consciousness probed in and instantly enveloped the entire sect.

Ten Thousand Snake Valley is still there, Golden Ape Valley is still there, and most of the habitats of monsters are there.


The Thousand-Year Fox King is gone, the Golden Ape King is gone, Cai Xuan is gone, Xiao Bai Jiao is gone, Sun Wu, Fei Tian Lang and other monsters are gone.

All the monsters he knew before were gone.

He also discovered a strange phenomenon, the entire wild beast sect, a demigod beast is gone.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hao frowned.

He entered the wild beast sect and went straight to the wild hall.

This is the place where the senior sects discussed matters.

At this moment, there was an old goat with a goatee lying in it. Lin Hao remembered that this goat was the elder guarding the pavilion who managed the resource hall.


After Lin Hao broke in, Elder Yang immediately stood up, blowing a pair of goatees.

"Elder Yang, I'm Lin Hao, do you remember me?"

Lin Hao clasped his fist.

With that said, he displayed the formlessness and changed into the appearance of the black snake before.

"Lin Hao?" Elder Yang blew his beard, his eyes staring.

He looked at Lin Hao several times, and immediately remembered.

"It's really Lin Hao!"

At this moment, the eyeballs of Elder Yang instantly turned red, tears glistened in his eyes, and tears slipped down.

"Elder Yang, what's the matter?" Lin Hao frowned.

"Lin Hao! It's really you! God has eyes!"

Suddenly, the elder Yang knelt on the ground, his heart was mixed, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hurry up, please!" Lin Hao quickly climbed up and helped Elder Sheep up.

Elder Yang said with a red eye: "Lin Hao, you haven't returned for almost ten years. I thought you wouldn't be here forever."

"Am I not here anymore? Can you tell me what happened to the sect, why the old acquaintances are gone." Lin Hao asked.

Elder Yang took a few breaths and sighed, "Lin Hao, this is a long story."

"Back then, after you destroyed the academy, you left the formation. Our wild beast sect is in the Panlong domain, and there are almost no opponents!"

What he was talking about was the fact that Lin Hao had come back once when he was at Monk Dongxu, and the Wild Beast Sect was the overlord who deserved it.

"But two years ago, suddenly a big man came over, claiming to be a member of the Demon League."

"Demon League?"

Lin Hao frowned slightly, he had never heard of this force.

"The Demon League, it seems to come from Middle-earth..."

Elder Yang touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Middle-earth God's Domain!" Lin Yes! That's right! It is Middle-earth God's Domain! "Elder Yang said quickly.

Now it was Lin Hao's turn to wonder.

People from Middle-earth God Realm, what are you doing here?

"After the great man came, he chose a group of monsters, saying that he would absorb them as disciples of the monster league, including the Golden Ape King, the Millennium Fox King, and the Seven Color King, the White Flood King, etc. Take away! A total of more than a dozen monsters were taken away, all semi-divine beasts!" Elder Yang said.

The King of Seven Colors and King Bai Jiao he was talking about were undoubtedly the later Cai Xuan and Xiao Bai Jiao.

One is a colorful snake and the other is a dragon.

"Since then, our wild beast sect has lost this group of backbones, and its strength has been greatly reduced. That group of humans took the opportunity to rise and counterattack, almost overnight, our wild beast sect returned to its weakest time."

"I am an old bone, I was a pavilion guarding elder, it is good to worry about the old age! As a result, I had to be elected as the new suzerain!"

"My seniority is the oldest, it can only be so...cough cough..."

When Elder Yang said this, he coughed twice and coughed up blood.

Lin Hao discovered that Elder Sheep was seriously injured.

After listening to Elder Yang's narration, he vaguely understood what was going on.

"That big man, did he say anything?" Lin Hao asked.

"No, he only said that the Demon League liked them because it was their blessing, and then he took it away." Elder Yang said.

Lin Hao nodded.

Lin Hao had never heard of the demon league in Middle-earth God's Domain, so it might be a newly established force.

Newly established, recruit members everywhere, capture all the demigods, and then train them.

Lin Hao thought for a while, and came up with such a general idea.

Of course, he is not sure about the specific situation, because the big man did not leave any valuable information.

(End of this chapter)

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