Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1064: : The eighth robbery!

What Lin Hao couldn't think of was that the ghost of the corpse demon commander would not disperse, clearly cut off the soul, and still exist in the dream of the big dream dragon.

"You kill my soul, well, I will crush your soul today!"

The corpse demon laughed forward and rushed into Lin Hao's sea of ​​knowledge.

Suddenly, he felt a boundless soul power rushing out, like a sledgehammer smashing him into the air, and his face changed wildly.

"How is it possible for the soul of Hedao Realm?"


With a sharp scream, the corpse demon will turn into nothingness.

In all directions, the scene of the devil's **** disappeared, replaced by a white world.

A cold sweat broke out on Lin Hao's forehead.

He didn't even understand why this magic general was suddenly destroyed by him.

"It seems that he wanted to wipe out my soul, but was killed by me?" Lin Hao frowned.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao didn't want to understand.

The white world in front of me didn't know what it was.

"Is this the third dream state?" Lin Hao asked secretly.

There is a vast white world in front of us. How can we comprehend this law of annihilation?

Lin Hao felt that he had fallen into a bottleneck again.

Suddenly, a small black spot appeared in front of him.

After a while, the black dot disappeared again.

Then, black spots appeared again, more and more, and then quickly disappeared.

"What is this?" Lin Hao was surprised to see.

Over time, black spots appear, disappear, appear, disappear, and so on.

Lin Hao carefully observed and found that every black dot represented a basic energy.

"Wind, fire, thunder, water..." Lin Hao thought inwardly.

He watched the disappearance of the black spot, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"What made them disappear?"

Lin Hao pondered.

The basic energy in front of me circulates in front of my eyes again and again, reincarnating in a lifetime.

These black spots may represent another world.

The destruction of the world, the birth of the world...

"Right! That's it, it turns out that this is the essence of annihilation!"

Lin Hao's eyes were clear, and it suddenly dawned on him.

"The law of annihilation, I understand." Lin Hao took a deep breath and fully understood it.

In his previous life, he followed the way of destroying the world, but he has never understood the essence of destruction.

After doing it for a long time, he has been spinning around in place, the law of annihilation is right in front of his eyes!


Inside the Panlong Hall.

Lin Hao finally calmed down, and there was no painful expression on his face.

The Ice Fire King breathed a sigh of relief, took out two Dragon Pond Orders, and continued to study.

Halfway through, the Golden Bone Dragon and Mu Bai tried to attack them repeatedly, but they were continuously frozen by him.

Days pass by.

Half a year passed.

This day, suddenly! The Ice Fire King felt unusual fluctuations in the nearby space.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Hao.

I saw that the floor Lin Hao was sitting on actually started to disappear, like an invisible mouth, devouring the ground there.

Near Lin Hao, the floor of the Panlong Great Hall disappeared and extended towards the outside. Gradually, the ground disappeared completely. This annihilation extended to the wall, and the wall began to gradually decompose and disappear!

This disappearance is very slow.

The Ice Fire King quickly took the Golden Bone Dragon and Mu Bai out, keeping them far away, lest they also disappear.

After a day, the entire Panlong Hall had completely disappeared, and the soil below was gradually swallowed, and a deep pit appeared.

Lin Hao was suspended in the deep pit, below him was a statue of a big dream dragon.

This is not over yet!

After the Panlong Hall disappeared, the space there was also extremely chaotic.

Suddenly, a dark dot appeared.

That is a space crack!

The space cracks centered on Lin Hao, slowly spreading in all directions, after the space disappeared, it turned into a pitch-black void world.

Looking far away, I saw Lin Hao suspended in a void of universe, and there was nothing near him.

"What kind of power is this, even space can disappear!" The Ice Fire King's heart was shaken.

He has never seen such a terrifying power, swallowing space? Devour everything?

That kind of disappearing out of thin air, leaving nothing behind, this is simply not something normal forces can do!

Suddenly, a row of dark clouds appeared above the sky!


In the dark clouds, the sound of muffled thunder came.

"Lei Jie?" The Ice Fire King asked in surprise.

Lin Hao's current breath is a real person of the Seven Tribulations, which means that he is crossing the Eighth Tribulations.

The eighth calamity, the rule of calamity, the falling thunder, called the thunder of the rule, carries the power of the rule that Lin Hao has comprehended.

The next moment, I saw a purple-black thunderbolt in the thundercloud and landed on Lin Hao's body.

This time, the thunder robbery did not send out earth-shaking vibrations.

Ice and Fire King's pupils shrank to a point.

I saw Lin Hao's back, where the lightning struck, a large piece of flesh and blood disappeared.

Disappeared out of thin air, without any signs, not even blood splashed out!

"What is the law? It can make people disappear!" The Ice Fire King was shocked.

Then, the second thunder robbery fell, and a large area of ​​Lin Hao's back disappeared again.

After his physical body disappeared, the devilish energy in the wound was tumbling, the flesh and blood squirmed, repairing at a terrifying speed, and the magic crystal in his hand was quickly consumed.

Relying on the repairing ability of demonic Lin Hao contends with the thunder catastrophe of the sky.

As long as part of his flesh and blood disappears, he will quickly repair it.

The King of Ice and Fire looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing how to express his feelings.

He asked himself, let him come through this kind of thunder robbery, he must not be able to resist.

There is no way to defend against this kind of thunder tribulation. Everything is annihilated and turned into nothingness. How to prevent it? Can only resist!

At this moment, Lin Hao's body turned into a dragon, and the thunder tribulations of the sky fell one by one, smashing his back, dragon claws, dragon head and other positions.

Every thunder can make part of his body disappear.

However, relying on the repairing power of the devilish energy, Lin Hao could bear it.

Soon, in just a week, most of the magic crystals of the corpse demon commander were consumed, and only ten were left.

Another day passed, there were five left, and another day, used up.

Upon seeing this, the Ice Fire King took out the magic crystal he had stored.

He stored a hundred magic crystals, originally intended to break through the ninth calamity, and now handed them to Lin Hao.

The silent Annihilation Thunder fell, this time directly causing Lin Hao's body to disappear in half.

However, he used ten magic crystals at once to completely repair his body.

When the time came for the tenth day, the thunderclouds in the sky finally slowly faded.

Eighth calamity, rule calamity, complete!

I saw a hole above the void, and a gray air current flowed backwards from it, rushing into Lin Hao's Sky Spirit cover.

Law empowerment!

This is a special case that happens when a handful of amazing talents break through.

"What's the law?"

The Ice Fire King squinted and looked at the gray air currents strangely. He had never seen such a law.

It seems that this kind of law can make everything disappear!

It's weird!

(End of this chapter)

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