Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1076: : Undercurrent raging

Relying on time slowing down, Xiao Long displayed the best response method in the shortest possible time. Such an on-the-spot reaction was jaw-dropping.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The destruction spear and thunderball hit the Nine Dragon Shield, and the nine flaming dragons burst one after another. With just one breath, they all burst into nothingness. Then, the two offensives blasted in front of Xiao Long.


Xiao Long was blown out, and the flames on his body shattered.

Just now, the two of them joined forces and hit by surprise, leaving Xiao Long slightly injured.

But in the eyes of both Jin Xiong, it was extremely unbelievable.

"Not dead!"

The expressions of the two changed drastically. The two of them had been accumulating their strength for a long time, and the fatal blow that they had launched was a shame that they couldn't kill an immortal emperor in the early stage.



"Master Bones, Lin Hao has appeared, ready to do it!"

Under the ground, a man in a black robe with green eyes also said.

But suddenly, a large group of birds landed in the sky, and they besieged and killed Lin Hao.

The group of people in black robes who were going to do it couldn't help but stop.

Ying Jiu had been in ambush at the gate of Longchi for a year. He waited so hard until Lin Hao showed up.

Now is a good time to get rid of Lin Hao!

With the experience of the previous few times, now this group of birds showed their strongest killer moves as soon as they appeared.

The feathers of the birds exploded, burning their essence and blood, and dyed them crimson, like scarlet hedgehogs rushing towards Lin Hao, the air vibrated endlessly, making a sharp whistling sound.

"It's a maggot with bones."

Lin Hao cursed secretly, at this time, he came out to deal with him.

Moreover, this group of birds is afraid that he still doesn't understand his current strength, the lineup of the hunting team is the same as eight years ago, it is still the group of true monarchs of the Nine Tribulations.

Even Eagle Nine was barely able to see, True Lord Invincible, just didn't know how many stars it was.

"Wind Thunder Phantom!"

Lin Hao's body was wrapped in gusts of thunder and lightning, and thousands of afterimages appeared in an instant, flashing across the sky, and it was impossible to tell which was true and which was false.

For a while, all the birds that attacked were stunned, not knowing which one to fight.

"A bunch of trash, kill that one!"

Ying Jiu roared, and countless sharp swords flew out of his feathers, stabbing Lin Hao in the distance.

It was a pity that it was too slow. While the birds were stunned, Lin Hao had already reached the gate of Longchi Valley.

In his hand, he took out a Dragon Pond Order.


After that, Huaguang flashed and his body disappeared.


The feathered sword pierced the valley, but hit nothing.

"Damn! He ran away again, I don't believe it, I can't catch you today!"

Ying Jiu yelled angrily and took out the Longchi Order, rushing into the Longchi Valley.

As he entered the valley, Long Chi Ling glowed, wrapped him all over and disappeared.

The attack just now was too fast, causing a burst of exclamation from onlookers.

But soon, they did their own things and rushed into the dragon pond one after another.

"Bastard! I've been in ambush just now, and I can definitely catch Lin Hao, that group of miscellaneous birds have emerged, and it's a good thing for me!"

Under the ground, a young man in a black robe yelled.

"Master Bones, stay calm and restless! These birds are also Lin Hao's enemies, so they may form an alliance." The green-eyed ghost monarch behind him suggested.

"Shut up! I was besieged by that group of miscellaneous birds only ten years ago, and it almost made my soul fly away, now go to form an alliance?" The black robe youth yelled.

"Yes!" The green-eyed ghost did not say a word.

"Huh! It's a matter of urgency. It's important to enter the dragon pond. I have two dragon pond orders. I can only enter two people. Just you and me."

The black robe youth grabbed the green-eyed ghost monarch, and the two broke out of the ground and rushed into the Longchi Valley.

Then, other big family sects entered the valley one after another.

"Just now, it looked like Senior Lin was attacked."

In the Tianji Palace stronghold, Yu Wenjing's face flushed and looked a little anxious.

She had been enlightened by Lin Hao's preaching at first, otherwise, she would have died in the deserted city, where would she be favored by Tianji Palace.

She couldn't wait to go in and take a look.

"Jing'er, the potential for being a teacher is exhausted, and there is no point in looking for opportunities. This trip to Longchi will be for you and the master sister. You two have the best talents. Take advantage of it." Said the young beautiful woman.

Yu Wenjing said respectfully: "Yes!"

"Chi Yao, Jing'er has just come to the sect for two years. Although she has talent, she is not strong enough. Remember to protect her." The middle-aged beautiful woman then ordered.

Senior sister Chi Yao clasped her fist and said: "Yes! The disciple will definitely protect the junior sister."

"Go ahead."

The middle-aged beautiful woman waved, Chi Yao and Yu Wenjing took the Longchi Ling and walked towards the valley ahead.

In addition to these large gates, there were also some passers-by who also rushed into the valley one after another, but a few weaker ones were attacked and assassinated, and Long Chi Ling was taken.

Everyone is no surprise.

The time limit for Longchi to open is one day. When it gets dark, the entrance will be temporarily closed, no one can enter ~ Outside the valley, a purple-skinned youth and a black-faced man appeared.

"My dear friend, you and I are not relatives, why do you want to give me a dragon pool order! This is a valuable treasure, now you can make a lot of money by selling it!" The purple-skinned youth asked in doubt.

"Shut up! If it weren't for my Jiao Clan compatriot's sake, do you think I would give it to you?" The black-faced man snorted coldly.

The purple-skinned youth touched his head and said with a smile: "Hey, I don't take advantage of you for nothing. If I owe you a favor, I have a brother, and he can pay you back then."

"You owe me the favor, why do you want others to pay it back?" The black-faced man frowned.

"Huh! He cheated me miserably, if he didn't leave me at that **** Ye's house, could I suffer this kind of crime?" Purple skin cursed secretly.

If Lin Hao were here, he would definitely recognize that these two people turned out to be Long You and Ice Fire King.

The two said, each holding a piece of Dragon Pond, and quickly rushed to the valley ahead.

In order to reach the fastest speed, the two of them turned into a purple dragon and a black double-headed dragon at the moment they rushed away.

As soon as everyone at the mouth of the valley reacted, the two flood dragons rushed into the valley and disappeared.

In just a moment, all the people with the Dragon Pond Order entered the valley, totaling about fifty people.

The rest are guarding outside, waiting for those inside to come out.


As soon as Lin Hao entered the valley, he appeared in a large swamp with a flower in front of him.

In an instant, an extremely large amount of gravity fell on his body.

Lin Hao just felt his body sink and fell into the swamp, his feet sinking into the mud.

"Gravity is a thousand times that of the outside world, flying is not a problem, but the speed is greatly reduced." Lin Hao secretly said.

(End of this chapter)

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